Elise Remling

Research Group Climate Change and Security
Department of Geography
KlimaCampus Hamburg
Elise Remling studied Geography and Cultural- and Social Anthropology at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany and received her B.A. in 2009. In her Bachelor thesis she analyzed Cyprus as a case study for a semiarid region addressing questions of water resources and -management in the face of climate change.
In September 2011 Elise received her Master's Degree (M.Sc.) in Geography from the M.Sc. program “Global Transformation and Environmental Change” at the University of Hamburg. During her graduate studies she was supported by a scholarship from the Hans-Böckler-Foundation for the promotion of talented students. Her Master's thesis explores livelihood vulnerability, coping strategies, and adaptation to climate change in Kenya and involved two months of empirical field work in Nairobi, Kenya, using social science methodologies. Her thesis can be found here.