Spangenberg J, Scheffran J (2018): The Environmental Justice Atlas – Reason to Act. 24th Annual Conference of International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS), Messina, Italy; 06/2018.
Scheffran J (2018): Beyond Richardson: Modeling conflict in a world of complexity and climate change. International Studies Association Annual Convention 2018, San Francisco; 04/2018.
Bukari KN, Sow P, Scheffran J (2016): Role of Chiefs in Managing and Resolving Resource Conflicts Between Farmers and Pastoralists in Ghana. Tropentag 2016, Vienna, Austria; 09/2016.
Abid M, Gioli G, Scheffran J (2016): Internal migration and changing environmental conditions: A farmers’ perspective from rural Pakistan. 33rd International Geographical Congress, Beijing, China; 08/2016.
Abid M, Scheffran J (2016): Climate change adaptation to sustain local food security in Pakistan. Cambridge Conference on Global Food Security, University of Cambridge, UK; 06/2016
Baehr J, Behrens J, Brüggemann M, Frisius T, Glessmer MS, Hartmann J, Hense I, Kaleschke L, Kutzbach L, Röter S, Scheffran J (2016): Teaching Scales in the Climate System: An example of interdisciplinary teaching and learning. EGU General Assembly 2016; Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vienna; 04/2016.
Scheffran J (2016): From complex crises to sustainable peace: Viability transformation and adaptive governance. ISA 2016 Presentation. International Studies Association, 57th Annual Convention, March 16 - 19, 2016, Atlanta; 03/2016.
Scheffran J, Cox A, Ruben R, Chin A, Rekacewicz P (2015): Food Security on the Brink? Report of Working Group 9. Planetary Security Conference, The Hague, 2-3 Nov. 2015. Planetary Security: Peace and Cooperation in Times of Climate Change and Global Environmental Challenges, Peace Palace, The Hague, Netherlands; 11/2015.
Scheffran J (2015): Climate Change as a Risk Multiplier in a World of Complex Crises. Planetary Security Conference, The Hague, 2-3 Nov. 2015. Planetary Security Conference, The Hague, Netherlands; 11/2015.
Scheffran J (2014): Water, land use and environmental conflicts in East Africa. The Wondo Genet College Arboretum Project, Wondo Genet, Ethiopia; 02/2014
Link, P.M., Link, J.S.A. & Scheffran, J. (2014): Climate Change, Land Use, and Conflict in Northern Africa, International Workshop "Climate Change, Land Use ad Conflict in Northern Africa", Lübeck, Germany, September 22-24, 2014. download
Link, P.M. & Scheffran, J. (2014): Rivers, Deltas, and Climate Vulnerability: Impacts of Environmental Change on River Systems and Coastal Zones, Workshop "Systems States and Transitions of Tidal Estuaries", Hamburg, Germany, September 04-05, 2014. download
Link, P.M., Kominek, J. & Scheffran, J. (2013): Impacts of Accelerated Sea Level Rise on the Coastal Zones of Egypt, Conference "Climate Change and Security at the Crossroads - Pathways to Conflict or Cooperation?", Kristiansand, Norway, June 20-21, 2013. download
Link, P.M., Piontek, F., Scheffran, J. & Schilling, J. (2013): Vulnerabilities, Adaptive Capacities and Transboundary Relations in the Nile River Basin in Times of Climate Change, Conference "Climate Change and Security at the Crossroads - Pathways to Conflict or Cooperation?", Kristiansand, Norway, June 20-21, 2013. download
Scheffran, J., Kominek, J., Cannaday, T. & Link, P.M. (2013): Climate Engineering: Potential Pathways, Consequences and Risks, Conference "Climate Change and Security at the Crossroads - Pathways to Conflict or Cooperation?", Kristiansand, Norway, June 20-21, 2013. download
Ngaruiya, G. (2013): Future of Wildlife Tourism in a Changing Cimate: Case Study of the Amboseli Ecosystem in Kenya, European Climate Change Adaptation Conference, March 18-20, 2013. download
Schilling, J., Remling, E. & Scheffran, J. (2013): Assessment of Climate Change Vulnerability, Adaptation and Policy Responses on National and Local Level in Kenya, European Climate Change Adaptation Conference, March 18-20, 2013. download
Link, P.M., Kominek, J. & Scheffran, J. (2013): Auswirkungen eines beschleunigten Meeresspiegelanstiegs auf die Küstenregionen Ägyptens, Symposium "Küstenforschung, Küstennutzung und Küstenschutz", Hamburg, Germany, March 04-06, 2013. download
Scheffran, J. (2012): Potential Pathways, Consequences and Risks of Climate Engineering, IMPLICC Final Symposium: The Atmospheric Science and Economics of Climate Engineering via Aerosol Injections,
Mainz, Germany, May 14-16, 2012. download
Link, P.M. & Kominek, J. (2012): Auswirkungen eines steigenden Meeresspiegels auf die Küstenregionen Ägyptens, 30. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises "Geographie der Meere und Küsten", Mainz, Germany, April 26-29, 2012. download
Schilling, J. (2010): Climate Change and Land Use Conflicts in Northern Africa,
NCCR Summer School, Grindelwald, Switzerland, August 29-September 03, 2010. download
Link, P.M. (2009): The Marine Fisheries in the Barents Sea: Impacts of Changes in THC Strength on Profitability, Treffen der norddeutschen Exzellenzcluster, Kiel, Germany, October 08-09, 2009. download
Link, P.M. (2009): Auswirkungen eines Zusammenbruchs der atlantischen thermohalinen Zirkulation auf die Fischerei in der Barentssee,
Deutscher Geographentag, Vienna, Austria, September 20-23, 2009. download
Link, P.M. & Schleupner, C. (2009): Die aktuellen Veränderungen der agrarischen Landnutzung auf der Halbinsel Eiderstedt und deren Auswirkungen,
Deutscher Geographentag, Vienna, Austria, September 20-23, 2009. download