Annemarie Kunz

Graduate Student
University of Hamburg
Grindelberg 7
20144 Hamburg
Room: 2006
Tel: +49 40 42838-9193
Fax: +49 40 42838-9211
Email: annemarie.kunz"AT"
Research Group Climate Change and Security
Institute of Geography
Cluster of Excellence CliSAP
Universität Hamburg
Annemarie Kunz is a student of the Master program "European Studies" of Universität Hamburg and currently working on her Master's thesis at the Research Group Climate Change and Security, supervised by Jürgen Scheffran.
The focus of her research is on the effectiveness of European aid for climate change adaptation in Pacific Small Island States. With her thesis, she aims at evaluating the motivation and effectiveness of European adaptation support through the Global Climate Change Alliance. Her thesis is available here.