Master theses
Daniel Heinemann (2018): Water supply, drought risk, and adaptation to changing conditions in central California. Master of Science, Geographie.
Johanna Remus (2018): Ökosystembasierte Anpassung an den Klimawandel. Master of Science, Geographie.
Yechennan Peng (2018): Carbon effects of the rural livelihood changes in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, China. Master of Science, ICSS.
Miriam Stefanie Felkers (2018): Konfliktpotenziale und nachhaltige Konfliktbewältigung beim Ausbau der Windenergie. Master of Science, Geographie.
Sven Rühe (2018): Simulating human exposure to environmental stressors in Hamburg: An agent-based model. Master of Science, ICSS.
Malin Frank (2017): Motivating Factors and Barriers for the Social Acceptance of Slow Fashion in Germany: Steps Towards a Sustainable Fashion Industry. Master of Science, ICSS
David Williams (2017): Socio-ecological systems in the context of climate change: a case study of Quarry Road West informal settlement, South Africa. Master of Science, Geographie.
Katharina Heider (2017): Peri-Urbanization in the Conservation Area of Mexico City
GIS-based Analysis Using Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and Remote Sensing (RS). Master of Science, Geographie.
Helge Martin (2017): Der Disaster-Conflict Nexus - Wechselwirkungen zwischen Naturkatastrophen und Gewaltkonflikten als Herausforderung für die Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Master of Science, Universität Bonn.
Jinxi Yang (2016): Agent-based Modeling of Pathways of Energy Landscapes in Northern Germany. Master of Science, ICSS.
Diana Süsser (2016): The role of private households in the EU climate change mitigation policy: Drivers and barriers of energy-related investment and consumption decisions. Master of Science, ICSS.
Wanja Möller (2016): Landschaftsbildbewertung – Argumentationsmuster und Relevanz in landschaftsplanerischen Methoden und Diskursen. Master of Science, Geographie.
Rebecca Froese (2016): Climate Proofing in Development Cooperation: Towards the Development of a Conceptual Framework. Master of Science, ICSS.
John Elflein (2015): Potential impacts to Spain as a consequence of climate change-induced migration from Morocco. Master of Peace and Security Studies.
Tracey Cheung (2015): Energy Transition in Hamburg and Hong Kong. Master of Science, ICSS.
Theiler, L. (2015): Individual Perception of Reasons for Migration from Senegal to Morocco with a Focus on Environmental Influences, Master Thesis, Institute of Sociology, Freie Universität Berlin.
Borchert, L. (2014): Integrated Assessment and Adaptive Management of Climate Engineering, Master's Thesis, School of Integrated Climate System Sciences, Universität Hamburg. download
Kunz, A. (2014): The European Union Global Climate Change Alliance in the Pacific,
Master's Thesis, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Universität Hamburg. download
Dorothea Künzig (2014): Gender und Ressourcen in Ruanda: Konfliktpotenzial oder fortschrittliche Wege? Geschlechtergerechtigkeit und Ressourcenmanagement in einem Post-Konflikt-Land. Master of Peace and Security Studies.
Mario Petri (2014): Klimawandel und Ressourcenverknappung-Sicherheitspolitische Problemstellungen und Handlungsoptionen durch klimawandelbedingte Verknappung natürlicher Ressourcen. Master of Science, Master of Arts, Fernuni Hagen.
Marvin Secker (2014): Investing Corporate Sustainability in Large-Scale Hamburg Corporations. Master of Science, ICSS.
Md. Obaidullah Al Kabir (2014): Vulnerability, Risk and Climate Adaptation in the Coastal Area of Bangladesh. Master of Science, ICSS.
Chrystalla Leontiou (2013): Assessment of Enhanced Weathering. Master of Science, ICSS.
Elpiniki Lamproglou (2013): The European Union Renewable Energy Policy: between Climate Change and Energy Security. Master of Arts, European Studies.
Meyer, C. (2013): Integrated Water Resources Management - The Orange-Senqu River Basin in South Africa, Master's Thesis, Institute of Geography, Universität Hamburg. download
Bott, L.-M. (2013). Migration and Adaptation to Climate Change in Pakistan - Theoretical Framework and Stakeholder Perceptions, Institute of Geography, Universität Hamburg.
von Kaminietz, S. (2011): An Effectiveness Analysis of Unilateral Climate Policies as a System Dynamic Study of Carbon Leakage on the Example of the Aluminum Industry, Diplomarbeit, Department of Physics, Universität Hamburg.
Linnemann, B. (2011): Rural electrification, path dependence and energy alternatives for sustainable development in Vietnam, Master's Thesis, Institute of Geography, Universität Hamburg. download
Remling, E. (2011): Stakeholder Perspectives on Livelihoods, Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in Kenya, Master's Thesis, Institute of Geography, Universität Hamburg. download
von Bevern, H. (2010): Modeling of CO2 Emissions and Uranium Resources,
Diplomarbeit, Department of Physics, Universität Hamburg.
Piontek, F. (2010): The Impact of Climate Change on Conflict and Cooperation in the Nile Basin, Master's Thesis, Research Group Climate Change and Security, Universität Hamburg. download
Petri, N. (2010): Zur Versicherheitlichung des Klimawandels - Theorie, Argumentationsstrukturen, politische Umsetzung, Master's Thesis, Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen Studiengemeinschaft e.V., Heidelberg, Germany. download
Klawitter, J. (2010): Towards a Sustainability Framework for the Desertec Concept,
Master's Thesis, University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, Germany. download
Campana, S. (2010): Climate Change and the Mediterranean: Reframing the Security Threat Posed by Environmental Migration, Master's Thesis, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands. download