Dr. Tobias Ide
Associated researcher
Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research
Research Group Climate Change and Security
Institute of Geography
Cluster of Excellence CliSAP
Universität Hamburg
Tobias Ide holds an MA in Political Science (2011, Leipzig) and a PhD in Geography (2015, Hamburg). His research focuses on the links between climate change, environmental stress, conflict, violence, cooperation and peacebuilding, using a variety of quantitative and qualitative research methods (at the moment with a focus on QCA applications).
He currently conducts a research project on environmental peacemaking at the Georg Eckert Institute in Braunschweig. Before, he held visiting positions at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Melbourne. His research has been published in journals like Nature Climate Change, Journal of Peace Research, International Studies Review, Global Environmental Change and Political Geography, among others.
More information on his work can be found here, here and here.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Ide, Tobias (2018): The Impact of Environmental Cooperation on Peacemaking: Definitions, Mechanisms and Empirical Evidence. International Studies Review 20, online ahead of print.
Ide, Tobias (2018): Does Environmental Peacemaking between States Work? Insights on Cooperative Environmental Agreements and Reconciliation in International Rivalries. Journal of Peace Research 55 (3), 351-365.
Adams, Courtland, Tobias Ide, Jon Barnett and Adrien Detges (2018): Sampling Bias in Climate-Conflict Research. Nature Climate Change 8 (3), 200-203.
Ide, Tobias, Jon Barnett, Adrien Detges and Courtland Adams (2018): Reply to “Sampling bias does not exaggerate climate-conflict claims”. Nature Climate Change 8 (6), 442-443.
Ide, Tobias (2018): Climate War in the Middle East? Drought, the Syrian Civil War and the State of Climate-Conflict Research. Current Climate Change Reports 4 (4), 347-354.
Ide, Tobias (2018): On the Appropriate Use of QCA in Environmental Management Research: A Comment on Hossu et al. In: Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment 47 (7), 831-832.
Ide, Tobias and Adrien Detges (2018): International Water Cooperation and Environmental Peacemaking. Global Environmental Politics 18 (4), 63-84.
Ide, Tobias, Abdulkhaleq Alwan, Kalil Bader, Noureddine Dougui, Maysoun Husseini, Elarbi Imad, Farouk Gaafar Marzouk, Amani Taha Moustafa and Riem Spielhaus (2018): The Geopolitics of Environmental Education: An Analysis of School Textbooks in the MENA Region. Journal of Educational Media, Memory and Society 10 (2), 64-83.
Ide, Tobias, Jakob Kirchheimer and Denise Bentrovato (2018): School Textbooks, Peace and Conflict: An Introduction. Global Change, Peace and Security 30 (3), 287-294.
Ide, Tobias/Detges, Adrien/Leimeister, Timo (2017): Securitisation through the Schoolbook? On Facilitating Conditions for and Audience Dispositions towards the Securitisation of Climate Change. Journal of International Relations & Development, online ahead of print.
Ide, Tobias (2017): Terrorism in the Textbook: A Comparative Analysis of Terrorism Discourses in Germany, India, Kenya and the United States Based on School Textbooks. Cambridge Review of International Affairs 30 (1), 44-66.
Ide, Tobias (2017): Research Methods for Exploring the Links between Climate Change and Conflict. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Climate Change 8 (3), 1-14.
Ide, Tobias (2017): Space, Discourse and Environmental Peacebuilding. Third World Quarterly 38 (3), 544-562.
Ide, Tobias (2017): Terrorism in the Textbook: A Comparative Analysis of Terrorism Discourses in Germany, India, Kenya and the United States Based on School Textbooks. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, online ahead of print.
Ide, Tobias/Detges, Adrien/Leimeister, Timo (2017): Securitization Through the Schoolbook? On Facilitating Conditions for and Audience Responses to the Attempted Securitization of Climate Change. Journal of International Relations and Development, in press.
Schilling, Janpeter/Nash, Sarah/Ide, Tobias/Scheffran, Jürgen/Froese, Rebecca/von Prodzinski, Pina (2017): Resilience and Environmental Security: Towards Joint Application in Peacebuilding. Global Change, Peace & Security 29 (2), 107-127.
Ide, Tobias (2016): Critical Geopolitics and School Textbooks: The Case of Environment-Conflict Links in Germany. Political Geography 55 (1), 60-71.
Ide, Tobias (2016): Towards a Constructivist Understanding of Socio-Environmental Conflicts. Civil Wars 18 (1), 69-90.
Link, P. Michael/Scheffran, Jürgen/Ide, Tobias (2016): Conflict and Cooperation in the Water-Security Nexus: A Global Comparative Analysis of River Basins under Climate Change. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Water 3 (4), 495-515.
Ide, Tobias (2015): Why Do Conflicts over Scarce Renewable Resources Turn Violent? A Qualitative Comparative Analysis. Global Environmental Change 33 (1), 61-70.
Ide, Tobias/Fröhlich, Christiane (2015): Socio-environmental Cooperation and Conflict? A Discursive Understanding and Its Application to the Case of Israel/Palestine. Earth System Dynamics 6 (2), 659-671.
Selbmann, Kirsten/Ide, Tobias (2015): Between Redeemer and Work of the Devil: The Transnational Brazilian Biofuel Discourse. Energy for Sustainable Development 29 (1), 118-126.
Ide, Tobias/Schilling, Janpeter/Link, Jasmin S.A./Scheffran, Jürgen/Ngaruiya, Grace/Weinzierl, Thomas (2014): On Exposure, Vulnerability and Violence: Spatial Distribution of Risk Factors for Climate Change and Violent Conflict Across Kenya and Uganda. Political Geography 43 (1), 68-81.
Ide, Tobias/Scheffran, Jürgen (2014): On Climate, Conflict and Cumulation: Suggestions for Integrative Cumulation of Knowledge in the Research on Climate Change and Violent Conflict. Global Change, Peace & Security 26 (3), 263-279.
Scheffran, Jürgen/Ide, Tobias/Schilling, Janpeter (2014): Violent Climate or Climate of Violence? Concepts and Relations with Focus on Kenya and Sudan. International Journal of Human Rights 18 (3), 369-390.
Chapters in edited books
Ide, Tobias (2018): Using SKAD to Investigate Cooperation and Conflict Over Water Resources. In: Keller, Reiner, Wolf J. Schünemann and Anna-Katharina Hornidge (eds.): The Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse. London: Sage, 237-253.
Ide, Tobias, Vakur Sümer and Larissa M. Aldehoff (2018): Environmental Peacebuilding in the Middle East. In: Swain, Ashok and Joakim Öjendal (eds.): Routledge Handbook on Environmental Conflict and Peacebuilding. London: Rouledge, 175-187.
Ide, Tobias (2018): Environment. In: Fuchs, Eckhardt and Annekatrin Bock (eds.): Palgrave Handbook of Textbook Studies. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 357-366
Ide, Tobias (2017): A Climate of Violence? The Debate on Climate Change and Violent Conflicts. In: Ide, Tobias (ed.): Peace and Conflict Studies.Leverkusen: Barbara Budrich, 193-226, in German.
Ide, Tobias (2017): Introduction: Issues, Concepts and Trends in Peace and Conflict Studies. In: Ide, Tobias (ed.): Peace and Conflict Studies. Leverkusen: Barbara Budrich, 7-32, in German.
Ide, Tobias/Selbmann, Kirsten (2016): Climate Change, Biofuels and Conflict. In: Singh, Ram Sarup/Pandey, Ashok/Gnansounou, Edgard (eds.): Biofuels: Production and Future Perspectives. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 25-40.
Ide, Tobias/Link, P. Michael/Scheffran, Jürgen/Schilling, Janpeter (2015): The Climate-Conflict Nexus: Pathways, Regional Links and Case Studies. In: Brauch, Hans Günter/Oswald Spring, Úrsula/Grin, John/Scheffran, Jürgen (ed.): Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace. Dordrecht: Springer, 285-304.
Ide, Tobias (2015): The Resource Curse as a Security Threat: On the Link Between Resource Abundance and Intrastate Violent Conflict. In: Jäger, Thomas (ed.): Handbook Security Threats. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, 43-52, in German.
Scheffran, Jürgen/Ide, Tobias/Schilling, Janpeter (2015): Violent Climate or Climate of Violence? Concepts and Relations with Focus on Kenya and Sudan. In: Zimmerer, Jürgen (ed.): Climate Change and Genocide: Environmental Violence in the 21st century. London: Routledge, 107-126.
Ide, Tobias (2012): Wars and Violent Conflict as a Consequence of Climate Change? In: Christ, Tamina/Gellrich, Angelika/Ide, Tobias (eds.): Perspectives on the Climate Debate in Political Science, Sociology and Psychology. Marburg: Metropolis, 169-196, in German.
Ide, Tobias (2012): A Short Story of Failure, or: Why We Know That It Will Be Bad and Change (Almost) Nothing. In: Christ, Tamina/Gellrich, Angelika/Ide, Tobias (eds.): Perspectives on the Climate Debate in Political Science, Sociology and Psychology. Marburg: Metropolis, 57-84, in German.
Ide, Tobias/Gellrich, Angelika/Christ, Tamina (2012): Introduction: Climate Change as an Area of Contention Between Society, Politics and Economy. In: Christ, Tamina/Gellrich, Angelika/Ide, Tobias (eds.): Perspectives on the Climate Debate in Political Science, Sociology and Psychology. Marburg: Metropolis, 11-45, in German.
Ide, Tobias (2010): The "True" Causes of Climate Change. In: Aufenanger, Vanessa/Friedrichsen, Nele/Koch, Stephan (eds.): Justice and Responsibility in Climate and Energy Politics. Münster: Monsenstein & Vanderat, 14-24.
Books edited
Ide, Tobias (ed.) (2017): Peace and Conflict Research. Leverkusen: Barbara Budrich, in German.
Christ, Tamina/Gellrich, Angelika/Ide, Tobias (eds.) (2012): Perspectives on the Climate Debate in Political Science, Sociology and Psychology. Marburg: Metropolis, in German.