Dr. Christiane Fröhlich
Research Fellow
German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)
Institute of Middle East Studies (IMES)
Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at Hamburg University
Christiane Fröhlich researches human mobility within and from the Middle East at the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA) in Hamburg. She has done extensive field research on the impact of a prolonged and climate change-related drought period in Syria that preceded the Syrian war. Moreover, she inquires into the role of the Global North for current migration movements from the Global South from a Postcolonial Perspective. During a six-months research fellowship in Istanbul (2016), she also researched the impact of the EU-Turkey agreement on the lived realities of refugees living in Turkey. In the past, she has worked extensively on water conflicts on the international, national and local levels, as well as on the Israeli-Palestinian core conflict and its role for Middle Eastern geopolitics. She holds a PhD from the Center for Conflict Studies at Marburg University, and a Master in Peace Research and Security Policy from Hamburg University.
More information can be found here.