Dr. Judith Nora Hardt

Photo: judith
associated researcher
Research Fields & Expertise
Critical International Relations and Political Theory; Security Studies; Peace & Conflict Studies; Global Governance; Anthropocene Studies; Climate Politics and Climate Security
Employment and Research Activities
Project leader “Multiple Crises: Entanglements of Public Health, Ecology and Security in Europe”, Centre Marc Bloch (CMB), Franco-German Research Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences. Funded by the German Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF), 3 years
Project leader “Climate change in security perceptions, conceptions and practice at the United Nations Security Council”, Institute for Peace and Security Policy, Hamburg University. Funded by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, 11 months, At: https://ifsh.de/en/research/climate-research/climate-change-and-security-in-the-un-security-council
Postdoctoral Researcher, Research Group "The State, Political Norms and Political Conflicts" and "Energy- and Climate politics", CMB , At: https://cmb.hu-berlin.de/forschung/arbeitsgruppe-energiewende & https://cmb.hu-berlin.de/team/profil/judith-nora-hardt
Postdoctoral Researcher, Research Group “Climate Change and Security,” Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CliSAP), Hamburg Universität, Germany
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute for International Cooperation and Development Studies, University of the Basque Country, Leioa, Spain
Lecturer for Nature Conservation, Socioeconomics and International Relations, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, Eberswalde, Germany
Research Fellow, Geography Department, Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany
Academic Qualifications
Dr. phil. (PhD) International Relations, Grade: Summa cum laude, University of the Basque Country, Leioa, Spain. Funded by 4-year grant from the Ministry of Science and Education, Basque Government
Diploma de Estudios Avanzados (DEA as equivalent M.A.) “Cooperation, Integration and Conflicts in Contemporary International Society,” University of the Basque Country, Spain
Bachelor of Science “International Forest Ecosystem Management,” Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, Eberswalde, Germany
Selected Publications
Hardt, Judith Nora (2021) "Research Perspectives and Boundaries of Thought: Security, Peace, Conflict, and the Anthropocene", Revista de Estudios en Seguridad Internacional, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 11-28. http://www.seguridadinternacional.es/revista/ISSN: 2444-6157
See for the Special Issue: http://www.seguridadinternacional.es/resi/index.php/revista/issue/view/15
Hardt, Judith Nora (2021) “Encounters between Security and the Earth System Sciences: Planetary Boundaries and Hothouse Earth”, in Chandler, David, Rothe, Delf and Mueller, Franziska (eds.) International Relations in the Anthropocene: New Actors, new Agencies and new approaches, Palgrave. At: https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783030530136
Hardt, Judith Nora and Maertens, Lucile (2021) “Climate Change and Security within the United Nations: Insights from the UN Security Council and the UN Environment Programme”, in Lövbrand, Eva and Mobjörk, Malin (eds.) Anthropocene securities: Recollections and reflections 50 years after the Stockholm conference on the human environment. MIT Press
Hardt, Judith Nora (2021) "The United Nations Security Council at the Forefront of (Climate) Change? Confusion, Stalemate, Ignorance", in Politics and Governance, Vol 9, 4, pp. 5-15. Available: https://www.cogitatiopress.com/politicsandgovernance/article/view/4573/4573
Hardt, Judith Nora; Brzoska, Michael and Viehoff, Alina (2021) “Klima-Sicherheit im VN-Sicherheitsrat: Mit mehr Wissen und mehr Glaubwürdigkeit mehr erreichen”, PeaceLab-Blog, At: https://peacelab.blog/2021/02/klima-sicherheit-im-vn-sicherheitsrat-mit-mehr-wissen-und-mehr-glaubwuerdigkeit-mehr-erreichen & “Climate security in the UN Security Council: Achieving more through improved knowledge and increased credibility”, CMB-Blog Climate and Energy Policy, At: https://cmb.hu-berlin.de/en/the-center/newspost/klima-sicherheitim-vn-sicherheitsrat-mit-mehr-wissen-und-mehr-glaubwuerdigkeit-mehrerreichen
Hardt, Judith Nora (2020) “Critical evaluation of the environmental security concept implementation: the case study of the Environment and Security Initiative”, in Brzoska, Michael and Scheffran, Jürgen(eds.) Climate Change, Security Risks, and Violent Conflicts Essays from Integrated Climate Research in Hamburg, Hamburg: Hamburg University Press, pp. 265-288. Available online at: https://blogs.sub.uni-hamburg.de/hup/products-page/publikationen/180/
Hardt, Judith Nora and Scheffran, Jürgen (2019) “Environmental peace-building and climate change: Stocktaking, critical analysis and recommendations for future pathways”, in Pérez de Armiño, Karlos and Zirion, Iker (eds.) Critical visions of peacebuilding (original title: Visiones críticas de la construcción de la paz), Madrid: Technos
Co-Author of Hagedorn, G. et al. (2019) “The concerns of the young protesters are justified. A statement by Scientists for Future concerning the protests for more climate protection”, GAIA-Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, Vol. 28/2: 79-87. GAIA Award 2019, At: https://www.oekom.de/_uploads_media/files/gaia_2019_02_79_1_010542.pdf
Hardt, Judith Nora and Scheffran, Jürgen (2019) "Environmental Peacebuilding and Climate Change: Peace and Conflict Studies at the Edge of Transformation", Toda Peace Institute Policy Brief, 68 (December). At: https://toda.org/policy-briefs-and-resources/policy-briefs/environmental-peacebuilding-and-climate-change-peace-and-conflict-studies-at-the-edge-of-transformation.html
Hardt, Judith Nora (2018) Environmental Security in the Anthropocene. Assessing Theory and Practice, London: Routledge, At: https://www.routledge.com/Environmental-Security-in-the-Anthropocene-Assessing-Theory-and-Practice/Hardt/p/book/9781138704893
Hardt, Judith Nora (2018) “Security Studies and the Discourse on the Anthropocene: Shortcomings, Challenges and Opportunities”, in Hickmann, Thomas; Partzsch, Lena; Pattberg, Philipp and Weiland, Sabine (eds.) The Anthropocene Debate and Political Sciences, London: Routledge, pp. 85-102
Hardt, Judith Nora (2012) “Critical Deconstruction of Environmental Security and Human Security Concepts in the Anthropocene”, in Scheffran, Jürgen et al. (eds.) Climate Change, Human Security and Violent Conflict–Challenges to Social Stability, Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace, vol. VIII, Berlin: Springer, pp. 207-221. At: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-28626-1_10