Dr. Andrea L. Balbo
Visiting scientist, geoarchaeologist
Grindelberg 7, Zi. 2012
20144 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 42838-9196
Fax: +49 40 42838-9211
Email: balbo"AT"imf.csic.es
Research Group Climate Change and Security
Department of Geography
Andrea Balbo has joined CLISEC with an Experienced Researcher Fellowship from the Alexander von Humbold Foundation. Andrea collaborates with colleagues at the University of Hamburg and at the Max Plank Institute for Meteorological Research to address issues related to climate change in drylands. The proposed Adaptive Resilience in Drylands (ARiD) Project will address land use and water consumption (quantitative assessment), but also social structure and cohesiveness (qualitative assessment). More information about the project can be found here.