Dr. Christian Alwardt
Associated researcher
Interdisciplinary Research Group on Disarmament, Arms Control and Risk Technologies
Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy
Research Group Climate Change and Security
Institute of Geography
Cluster of Excellence CliSAP
Universität Hamburg
Christian Alwardt studied physics, economics and international relations at Universität Hamburg. The topic of his diploma thesis was the Atom Trap Trace Analysis of Krypton Isotopes.
After finishing his studies he was coauthor in a study for the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Parliament and started working as a research associate at the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at Universität Hamburg, focusing on arms control, risk technologies and security issues. His current research focuses on the influence of Climate Change on regional water supplies and thereby possibly caused conflict potentials.
Christian Alwardt is member of the German Physical Society (DPG), FONAS and Young Pugwash Germany.