December 7, 2016
„Wie konfliktträchtig sind die Erneuerbaren Energien?“, lecture by Jürgen Scheffran at Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Friedensvorlesung, Universität Hamburg.
November 30, 2016
„Klimawandel als Risikoverstärker”, presentation by Jürgen Scheffran at Parlamentarian evening on the book launch „Klimawandel in Deutschland“, Vertretung der Hansestadt Hamburg in Berlin.
November 24-27, 2016
„Forced Migration: Structures, Actors, Processes.“ Christiane Fröhlich was an invited participant at the 2nd Turkish-German Frontiers of Social Science Symposium 2016 (TUGFOSS), organised by Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Stiftung Mercator and Koç University. More information can be found here.
November 24, 2016
Migration und Flucht zwischen Klimawandel und komplexen Krisen“, presentation by Jürgen Scheffran at lecture series „Migration“, Gesellschaft für Erdkunde Köln.
November 22-23, 2016
„Climate Change and Migration. Channels and Possible Indirect Consequences.“ Expert workshop organised by Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM), Milano, Italy. Presentation by Christiane Fröhlich on "Climate Change, Internal Migration and Conflict Onset in Syria." More information can be found here.
November 19, 2016
„Friedenspolitik im Zeitalter vernetzter Krisen und Klimarisiken: Wege zum nachhaltigen Frieden“, presentation by Jürgen Scheffran at VDW conference “Quo Vadis Europe”, Universität Göttingen.
November 15-17, 2016
“Sustainability transitions in rural-urban energy landscapes”, presentation by Jürgen Scheffran at Workshop Sustainable Pathways, Trilateral Partnership, Fudan University, Shanghai, China.
November 12-15, 2016
"16. Münchner Wisenschaftstage" (Munich science days) held in Munich, Germany. Presentation by Janpeter Schilling on "Klimawandel als Fluchtursache?". More information can be found here.
November 14-17, 2016
"Climate Change, Forced Migration, Security. A case study from Syria." Lectures given by Christiane Fröhlich at the Geographisch-Ethnologische Gesellschaften (GEG) of St. Gallen, Zürich, Bern and Basel, Switzerland.
November 4-5, 2016
"9. Hamburger Symposium zu Migration und Flucht zwischen Klimawandel und Konflikten" (Migration and flight between climate change and conflicts) held in Hamburg, Germany. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Der Nexus aus Migration, Klimawandel und Konflikten", Michael Brzoska on "Gewaltkonflikte, Vertreibung und Flucht", Christiane Fröhlich on "Klima, Migration und Konflikte: Fallbeispiel Syrien" and Janpeter Schilling on "Klima, Migration und Konflikte: Fallbeispiel Ostafrika". The program is available here (PDF).
October 19, 2016
Start of the Lecture Series "Zum Verhäntnis von Rohstoffen und Konflikten" (On the relation between resurces and conflicts), held at Universität Hamburg. The lecture series takes place every Wednesday and is organized by Janpeter Schilling and Gerald Kirchner. Presentations by Jürgen Scheffran and Michael Link. The program is available here (PDF).
October 18-20, 2016
“Rural-Urban Interactions and Climate Change”, presentations by Jürgen Scheffran at College of Geographical Sciences, Guangzhou University and Nanchang University, China.
October 17, 2016
"Klimaschutz und Klimaflucht - Klimaveränderungen und die Zerstörung von Lebensräumen" (Climate protection and climate refugee - climatic changes and destruction of livelihoods), event organized by W3-Werkstatt für internationale Kultur und Politik e.V. and held in Hamburg, Germany. Presentation by Janpeter Schilling on "Klimawandel, Migration und Konflikte in Ostafrika". More information can be found here.
October 6-7, 2016
"Konferenz der Flüchtlingsforschung" (Conference of research on refugees) held in Osnabrück, Germany. Presentations and panel on "Klimabedingte (Zwangs-)Migration: Krisen, Diskurse und Optionen" organized by Sarah Nash and Jürgen Scheffran. More information can be found here.
October 2, 2016
“The nuclear-climate nexus” and “Moving beyond missile defense and space weapons”, presentations by Jürgen Scheffran at International Peace Bureau Conference “Disarm! For a Climate of Peace”, Technical University Berlin.
September 28, 2016
Science Slam as part of the Hamburger "Klimawoche", held in Hamburg, Germany. Participation by Janpeter Schilling. More information can be found here.
September 6-9, 2016
International Sustainability Transitions (IST) Conference 2016, hosted by Wuppertal Institute and held in Wuppertal, Germany. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Sustainable rural-urban transitions in energy landscapes of Germany and China". During the conference the "Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace" (co-edited by Jürgen Scehffran) will be launched. The full program of the conference is available here (PDF).
August 21-25, 2016
33rd International Geographical Congress (IGC 2016), held in Beijing, China. Presentations and hosted sessions by Liang Yang, Kesheng Shu, Muhammad Abid and Janpeter Schilling. More information can be found here.
August 17, 2016
Meeting of the CliSAP-C4 Working Group "Climate Change and Security", held in Hamburg, Germany. Presentation by Josep Osorio Piñero and Ellinor von der Forst on "Participatory modeling of environmental risk perception and ecosystem services - Method and preliminary results from Mexico and South Africa."
July 20, 2016
Adaptive Resilience in Dryland - ARiD Kickstart Workshop, held in Ricote Murcia, Spain. Andrea Balbo co-organizes the workshop. More information about ARiD can be found here.
July 19, 2016
Klima - der Schülerkongress, held in Hamburg, Germany. Presentations and workshops by Michael Link and Janpeter Schilling. More information can be found here.
July 15, 2016
Get-together for refugees and people from Hamburg, held in the Hamburg Museum. The event gives refugees and people from Hamburg the opportunity to learn more about Hamburg and exchange views and experiences. The event is organized by CLISEC and the Hamburg Museum. Participation is free of charge. More information can be found here (PDF).
12-15 July, 2016
Conference of the International Society of Dynamic Games (ISDG 2016), held in Urbino, Italy. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on “Multi-level Interaction Games in Adaptive Climate Givernance”. The program is available here (PDF).
12-15 July, 2016
Conference of the International Association for the Study of Forced Migration “Rethinking Forced Migration and Displacement”, held in Poznan, Poland. Presentation by Sarah Nash on “Climate change and forced migration: a dual crisis?”. More information can be found here.
June 23-25, 2016
Conference on "Fields, Fictions, and Futures of Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation", held in Lüneburg, Germany. Participation by Michael Link and Jasmin Link. The programme is available here (PDF).
June 23-24, 2016
Cambridge Conference on Global Food Security, held in Cambridge, UK. Poster presentation by Muhammad Abid. More information can be found here.
June 20-24, 2016
Worskhop "Sustainable Pathways", held in Hamburg, Germany. The event is co-organized by CLISEC. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Urban-rural transformation in energy landscapes".
June 13-15, 2016
Conference on "Human Rights in an Age of Ambiguity", held in New York, USA. Sarah Nash chairs the panel on "A climate of (in)justice? A human rights-based approach to climate change" and presents on "Between rights and resilience: human mobility in the context of climate change". Details about the conference can be found here.
May 19-20, 2016
Workshop on "Resource Sector Reform: Creating Inclusive Growth?", held in Landau, Germany. Presentation by Janpeter Schilling on "For Better or Worse: Major Developments Affecting Resource and Conflict Dynamics in Northwest Kenya". Details about the conference can be found here
May 5, 2016
Lecture Series "Waru fliehen Menschen?", hosted by Volkshochschule Ulm in Ulm, Germany. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Auf der Flucht vor dem Klimawandel". anpeter Schilling on "For Better or Worse: Major Developments Affecting Resource and Conflict Dynamics in Northwest Kenya". The program is available here.
April 17-22, 2016
General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union, held in Vienna, Austria. Poster presentation by Muhammad Abid. Details about the conference can be found here.
March 30, 2016
“Rural-Urban interactions in energy landscapes of Germany and China”, paper presented by Jürgen Scheffran at Paper Session “Spatial Modeling of Human-Environment Interaction in the Anthropocene”, AAG Annual Conference, San Francisco, USA.
March 29-April 2, 2016
Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, held in San Fransisco, USA. Presentations and organized panels by Jürgen Scheffran, Michael Link, Janpeter Schilling and Liang Yang. Details about the conference can be found here.
March 16-19, 2016
Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, held in Atlanta, USA. Presentations by Jürgen Scheffran on "From complex crises to sustainable peace: Viability transformation and adaptive governance" and Tobias Ide on "Textbook environmental conflicts? The depiction of the environment-conflict nexus in German and US-American schoolbooks". Further information about this conference can be found here.
February 24-26, 2016
3rd CliSAP Workshop on Lecture Series "Arctic and Permafrost", held in Hamburg, Germany. CLISEC is supporting the event and Jürgen Scheffran and Michael Brzoska hold a session on "Socioeconomic and ecological interactions in the Arctic". The program can be found here.
February 24, 2016
Lecture Series "Warum Menschen flüchten müssen" of Volkshochschule Minden und Ev. Kirchenkreis in Minden, Germany. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Migration und Flucht zwischen Klimawandel und vernetzten Konflikten". The program is available here (PDF).
February 12, 2016
7th Workshop "Wege aus der Gewalt", organized by Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy (IFSH) and Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Centre for Science and Peace Research (ZNF), held in Hamburg, Germany. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Complex crises and the climate of insecurity in the Anthropocene". The program is available here (PDF).
February 10, 2016
Conference "Energielandschaften Norddeutschland - Energiewende im Raum?", held in Hamburg, Germany. The conference is a collaboration between the Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN) of the Universität Hamburg and the Cluster Erneuerbare Energien Hamburg (CEEHH). CLISEC is co-organising the event. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on Stadt-Land-Energie: Geographische Vernetzungen urbaner und ländlicher Räume. More about the event can be found here.
February 10, 2016
„Komplexe Krisen und das Klima der Unsicherheit im Anthropozän“, presentation by Jürgen Scheffran at Workshop “Wege aus der Gewalt“, IFSH/ZNF, Hamburg.
February 4-5, 2016
Conference "Understanding and Tackling the Migration Challenge: The Role of Research", held in Brussels, Belgium. Participation by Sarah Nash. The program of the conference is available here.