October 31-November 1, 2013
International Workshop "Denaturalizing climate change. Migration, mobilities and spaces" at the University of Bremen. Presentation by Giovanna Gioli on "Understanding mobility as an adaptation continuum. A case study from Northwestern Pakistan". More info is available here .
October 09-11, 2013
International workshop at the KlimaCampus of the University of Hamburg, Germany, on "Climate Change and Environmental Pressure: Adaptation and Resilience of Local Communities in the Hindu-Kush-Himalaya" jointly organized by Jürgen Scheffran, Giovanna Gioli and Valerio Lucarini. Jürgen Scheffran chairs the session on "Ressources and Land Management, Water, Food and Energy Security". Michael Link chairs a sub-session of this session. Giovanna Gioli chairs the session “Rural/Urban interactions: Livelihoods, Gender Migration and Development” where she speaks about “Migration and climate change in mountain context”.
October 02-08, 2013
Deutscher Geographentag in Passau, Germany. Session organized by Jürgen Scheffran, Michael Link, and Horst Sterr (Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel) on "Globaler Meeresspiegelanstieg und seine Auswirkungen auf Küstenregionen". Presentation by Beate Ratter and Jürgen Scheffran on "Meeresspiegelanstieg als gesellschaftliche Herausforderung der Mensch-Natur-Interaktion". Session of the Arbeitskreis Geographie der Meere und Küsten organized by Michael Link with presentation on "Wasserkonflikte zwischen Ägypten und seinen Nachbarn in der Nilregion in Zeiten des Klimawandels". Further details about this conference are available here.
September 18-19, 2013
FONAS Annual Conference 2013 at the Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker- Center for Science and Peace Research (ZNF) of the University of Hamburg, Germany. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Verifikation und Stabilität von nuklearer Abrüstung und Raketenabwehr".
September 16-17, 2013
International workshop at the University of Hamburg, Germany, on "Gendering a Sustainable Future: Conflict, Genocide and Climate Change", which is co-organized by Giovanna Gioli. Participation by Jürgen Scheffran in a roundtable discussion on "Actions for Gender-Sensitive Environmental Conflict Resolution". The workshop program can be found here. A summary of the conference is now also available here (PDF).
September 05-06, 2013
International scenario workshop of the EuTRACE project in Potsdam, Germany, on "Key risks and opportunities of climate engineering and the role of the EU". Participation by Jürgen Scheffran, Jasmin Link, and Michael Link.
August 17-19, 2013
International Conference "Solar Energy for World Peace" in Istanbul, Turkey. Keynote presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Peace and Security in the Renewable Energy Transformation - Preventing Conflicts in Energy Landscapes". Further information about this conference can be found here.
July 26, 2013
Climate-KIC Journey Workshop held at the KlimaCampus of the University of Hamburg, Germany. Presentation by Michael Link on "Impacts of climate change on societal stability: research at the Research Group Climate Change and Security (CLISEC)".
July 16-18, 2013
"The Hamburg Conference: Actions for Climate-Induced Migration" at the University of Hamburg, Germany, co-organized by the Climate Service Center Hamburg and CLISEC. Presentation by María Manez and Jürgen Scheffran on "Challenges and Actions for Climate Induced Migration". Presentation by Lisa-Michéle Bott on "Migration and climate adaptation - Theoretical framework and evidence from Pakistan". Details about this conference can be found here.
July 15-16, 2013
Workshop on "Knowledge-Creation and Capacity-Building for Actions in Climate-Induced Migration" at the University of Hamburg, Germany. This workshop is co-organized by the Climate Service Center Hamburg and CLISEC. Details about this workshop are available here (PDF).
June 20-21, 2013
International conference "Climate Change and Security at the Crossroads: Pathways to Conflict or Cooperation?" at the University of Agder in Kristiansand, Norway. This event was jointly organized by CLISEC and the University of Agder. Keynote presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Integrative Concepts of Climate-Security Interaction". Presentation by Janpeter Schilling on "On Fights, Food and Fragility: Climate Change and Conflict in Northwestern Kenya". Presentation by Tobias Ide on "Climate Change and Violent Conflict: Where are the Most Vulnerable Places in East Africa?". Presentation of Michael Brzoska on "Security sector responses to climate change". Conference survey on methods applied in climate security research and presentation of preliminary results by Jasmin Kominek and Michael Link. Poster presentation by Michael Link, Jasmin Kominek and Jürgen Scheffran on "Impacts of accelerated sea level rise on the coastal zones of Egypt". Poster presentation by Michael Link, Franziska Piontek, Jürgen Scheffran and Janpeter Schilling on "Vulnerabilities, adaptive capacities and transboundary relations in the Nile River Basin in times of climate change". Poster presentation by Jürgen Scheffran, Jasmin Kominek, Thomas Cannaday and Michael Link on "Climate Engineering: Potential Pathways, Consequences and Risks". Poster presentation by Grace Ngaruiya on "Future of wildlife tourism in a changing climate: Case study of the Amboseli ecosystem in Kenya". Detailed information about this conference can be found here.
May 27, 2013
First CliSAP/KlimaCampus Workshop on Sea Level Variability and Change in Hamburg, Germany. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran and Michael Link on "Sea level change in the Mediterranean: the case of the Nile River delta" and by Giovanna Gioli on "Gender and Environmental Migration in the Indus Basin".
May 27, 2013
Workshop "Relational Sociology: Reconstructing Networks with Meaning" at the Humboldt-University in Berlin, Germany. Participation by Jasmin Kominek. Details about this event can be found here.
May 25, 2013
Fachtagung Erdkunde Niedersachsen 2013 in Hannover, Germany. Keynote presentation by Michael Link on "Die Weltmeere im Spannungsfeld zwischen Bewahrung und menschlicher Nutzung".
May 21-26, 2013
XXXIII Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) in Hamburg, Germany. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran and Jasmin Kominek on "Climate Change and Social Networks: Conflict or Cooperation?". Presentation by Jasmin Kominek on "Path Dependency Reinforces Positive and Negative Ties". Further information about this conference can be found here.
May 11-13, 2013
International Conference on Gender and Migration (ICGM) held at the Marmara University, Istanbul. Presentation by Giovanna Gioli on "Gendering migration in the upper Indus basin". More info is available here.
May 04, 2013
34. Evangelischer Kirchentag in Hamburg, Germany. Tag des Wissens at the University of Hamburg. Presentations by Jürgen Scheffran on "Migration und Klimaanpassung in Nordwest-Afrika" and by Grace W. Ngaruiya on "Climate Change in the Tourism sector in Kenya".
April 30, 2013
Workshop at the Centre International de Recherche sur l'Environnement et le Développement in Paris, France on "Réflexion systématique sur les enjeux et méthodes de géoingénierie de l'environnement". Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Risks of Geoengineering". The workshop program is available here (PDF).
April 09-13, 2013
2013 Annnual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers in Los Angeles, CA (USA). CLISEC presentations by Michael Link on "Climate engineering: potentials, risks and conflicts" and by Jasmin Kominek on "Global implications of local events on social networks". Michael Link and Jasmin Kominek are organizing a panel on "Conflict potentials of climate change and climate engineering". Details about the conference can be found here.
April 03-06, 2013
2013 Annual Convention of the International Studies Association in San Francisco, CA (USA). CLISEC presentation by Tobias Ide on "Put Perceptions into Place: The Role of Intersubjective Factors in Linking Climate Change to Violent Conflict" and by Jürgen Scheffran on "The Diffusion of Innovations for the Sustainability Transition" and "Modeling the Climate-Security Nexus". Jürgen Scheffran also participates in a workshop on "Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace" and chairs a panel on "Climate, Weather, and Conflict". Further information about this conference can be found here.
March 27, 2013
CliSAP North Africa Workshop in Hamburg, Germany. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran and Michael Link on "Climate change and conflict in Northern Africa". The workshop program can be found here (PDF).
March 18-20, 2013
European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA) in Hamburg, Germany. Presentations by Elina marmer and Jürgen Scheffran on "Migration and Climate Adaptation:Cases in Northwestern Africa", and by Liang Yang on "Flood risks and urban responses under a changing climate in Shenzhen, China". Posters by Giovanna Gioli, Janpeter Schilling, and Grace W. Ngaruiya. The conference program is available here.
February 13, 2013
International Symposium "Extreme Events: Modeling, Analysis, and Prediction" at the Herrenhausen Palace in Hannover, Germany. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Extreme events in climate-society interaction: Instabilities, tipping points and cascading complexity". Details about this event can be found here.
February 01, 2013
Arbeitsgruppe "Modellbildung, Simulation und Komplexitätsreduktion" of the Akademie der Wissenschaften in Hamburg, Germany. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Komplexität und Stabilität der Mensch-Umwelt-Interaktion".
January 29, 2013
Tobias Ide critically comments on the movie "The Age of Stupid", which is shown at the Climate Service Center (CSC) in Hamburg, Germany. This event is part of the lecture and movie series "Klima, Kultur, Wandel". The program of this series is available here (PDF).
January 16, 2013
Visiting fellows of the Robert-Bosch-Stiftung at KlimaCampus Hamburg, Germany. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on climate change and security.
January 09-10, 2013
First International Conference on Politics and Water Resources Governance in the Indus Basin in Lahore, Pakistan. Invited presentation by Giovanna Gioli. Further details about this conference can be found here.