December 13, 2011
Fachkonsultation "Meere und Gewässer in der Welternährungssicherung" at the von Thünen-Institut für Seefischerei in Hamburg, Germany. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Von Konflikt zu Kooperation in der Fischerei". Participation by Michael Link. Further information about this event are available here.
November 26, 2011
Conference "Vom atomaren Patt zu einer von Atomwaffen freien Welt" at the Leibniz Society of Sciences in Berlin, Germany. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Wege zur atomwaffenfreien Welt". The conference program can be found here (PDF).
November 18, 2011
Network meeting "Klimawandel und Migration: Entwicklung einer deutschen Position" at the Climate Sercive Center in Hamburg, Germany. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Environmental Migration and Climate Change". More details about this event can be found here and here (PDF).
November 15-17, 2011
Workshop "Statistical Physics & Complex Networks in Socio-Economic Systems" at Schloss Cecilienhof in Potsdam, Germany. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Complex Multi-agent Networks in Environmental Conflict and Cooperation". The program of this event is available here (PDF).
November 14, 2011
Annual Conference of KRIUM "Ernährungssicherheit im klima- und energiepolitischen Brennpunkt" in Berlin, Germany. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "The impact of emission reduction goals on climate tipping points and food security". Further information about this event can be found here.
November 10-11, 2011
International Workshop "Geoengineering the Climate: an Issue for Peace & Security Studies?" at the KlimaCampus of the University of Hamburg, Germany, co-organized by CLISEC. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Conflict potentials of climate engineering". Details about this workshop are available here.
October 18, 2011
Talk by Michael Link on the models used at CLISEC. This presentation is part of a lecture series organized by KlimaCampus Hamburg.
October 13-14, 2011
International Conference "Rethinking Migration: Climate change, resource conflicts and migration/asylum politics in Europe" in Berlin, Germany, hosted by Netzwerk Migration in Europa in cooperation with the University of Bremen (MIGREMUS), Institute of Geography, and the Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung. Presentation by Angela Oels on "Who is afraid of climate refugees?".
October 13, 2011
National Workshop on Clean Energy Education at the University of Illinois, sponsored by National Science Foundation in collaboration with University of Chicago, Northwestern University, University of Illinois-Chicago, Argonne National Laboratory and Illinois Green Economy Network of Community Colleges. Keynote presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "European Perspectives on Clean Energy Education". The workshop agenda can be found here.
October 10-11, 2011
International Conference "New Thinking about Global Challenges" organized by the European research network Global Systems Dynamics & Policy (GSDP), the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) and Financial Times Deutschland (FTD), held at the Umweltforum Berlin, Germany. Participation by Jasmin Kominek.
October 10-11, 2011
International Conference "Climate Diplomacy in Perspective: from early warning to early action" at the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin, Germany. Participation by Jürgen Scheffran and Michael Link.
October 09, 2011
Second Summer School on Domestic Violence "Violence Free World Begins With Violence Free Home" at the Faculty of Medicine of Cairo University, Egypt. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Climate risks, water security and solar energy cooperation in the Mediterranean region". Participation by Michael Link.
October 08-09, 2011
Workshop on "Science Diplomacy - A new initiative for cooperation between Hamburg and Cairo" hosted by the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst Cairo, Egypt, organized by the Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Center for Science and Peace Research of the Unviersity of Hamburg. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Climate risks, water security and solar energy cooperation in the Mediterranean region". Presentation by Michael Link on "The Graduate School on Integrated Climate System Sciences in Hamburg".
October 04-05, 2011
Second Young Scientist Excellence Cluster Conference on Marine and Climate Research "Perspectives from Natural and Social Sciences" at the University of Bremen, Germany. Keynote presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Climate change and security: conflict or cooperation?". Presentation by Michael Link and Jasmin Kominek on "The impacts of climate change on societal stability: modeling of complex systems". Presentation by Liang Yang on "Trouble in mega-cities under a changing climate: water scarcity and floods in the Pearl River Delta, China". The conference website can be found here.
October 03, 2011
MinD - Akademie 2011 on "Zukunft und Forschung" in Hannover, Germany. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Klimawandel: Sicherheitsrisiko oder Chance für Kooperation?"
September 22-24, 2011
International Symposium "Limits to the Anthropocene - What are the boundaries of human intervention into nature?" at the University of Hamburg, Germany. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Limits, Conflicts and Sustainability of Bioenergy". The symposium website can be found here, the program is available here (PDF).
September 20-22, 2011
International Symposium "Warnsignal Klima: Die Meere - Änderungen & Risiken" at the University of Hamburg, Germany. Participation by Michael Link. The symposium website can be found here.
September 15-16, 2011
Expert Seminar "Climate change and conflict: Where to for conflict sensitive climate adaptation in Africa?" in Durban, South Africa, organized by the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD). Participation by Jürgen Scheffran, Janpeter Schilling, and Elina Marmer. Joint presentations by Janpeter Schilling and Jürgen Scheffran "On arms and adaptation: Climate change and pastoral conflict in Northern Kenya" and by Elina Marmer and Jürgen Scheffran on "From security threat to conflict prevention: integrating migration into climate adaptation policy frameworks in Africa".
September 11-16, 2011
FuturICT - YRN Complex Networking Event in Vienna, Austria, co-organized by Jasmin Kominek. This event is part of the European Conference on Complex Systems. Details about the event can be found here, further information on the entire conference is available here.
August 17-20, 2011
Third Global International Studies Conference "World Crisis. Revolution or Evolution in the International Community?" in Porto, Portugal. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "From Climate Conflicts to the Sustainability Transition: Pathways to Cooperation and Capacity Building". For further details on this conference, please refer to the conference website.
August 11-12, 2011
International Conference on "Severe Atmospheric Aerosol Events" at the University of Hamburg, co-organized by CLISEC. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Security implications and conflict potentials of severe atmospheric aerosol injections: A comparative assessment of sources, pathways and policies". The conference website and program can be found here.
August 10, 2011
International Workshop on "Nuclear weapons and their disarmament" at the University of Hamburg, co-organized by CLISEC. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Nuclear weapons convention as a possible solution to the deadlock of nuclear disarmament". The program of this workshop is available here (PDF).
July 21, 2011
Visit of a student group of the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of Erfurt, Germany, to CLISEC during their research trip "Sound Policies for a Sustainable Development". Presentation by Michael Link on "Climate change and security: challenges and chances for future sustainable development".
July 18-29, 2011
First European Ph.D. School on Mathematical Modeling of Complex Systems in Patras, Greece. Participation by Jasmin Kominek. Further information on this summer school can be found here.
July 18-22, 2011
Social Vulnerability Summer Academy in Munich, Germany, hosted by the United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security. Participation by Janpeter Schilling with a presentation on "Local Adaptation and National Climate Change Policy in Kenya: Discrepancies, Options, and the Way forward". Details about this event are available here.
July 15, 2011
Plenary Discussion at the University of Bayreuth, Germany, on "Complex Systems, Self-Organization, Emergent Phenomena". Keynote talk by Jürgen Scheffran. The program of this event can be found here.
July 14, 2011
Presentation by Todd BenDor (University of North Carolina) on "Management of Trading of Multiple Ecosystem Services" at the University of Hamburg. This talk was given during his visit to CLISEC. The presentation is available for download here (PDF).
July 07-09, 2011
27th EGOS Colloquium "Reassembling Organizations" in Gothenburg, Sweden. Presentation by Jasmin Kominek on "The pursuit of rational action leads to herding behavior: an example of reinforcing dynamics shaped by organizational structures and behavioral paths in financial markets". Further information about this event can be found here.
July 06-09, 2011
14th International Conference on Social Dilemmas in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran, together with David Budescu and Matt McCarter, on "The give-or-take-some social dilemma in collective action: simulations and exemplary cases". More information about this conference can be found here (PDF).
July 06-07, 2011
Conference "Conflict and peace in a changing international context" on funding opportunities, matchmaking and networking in the European Commission FP7, Brussels, Belgium. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Security risks and conflicts of climate change and natural resource scarcity: Issues of future research". The conference agenda is available here and the presentation can be found here (PDF).
July 01-04, 2011
59th International Pugwash Conferences of Science and World Affairs in Berlin, Germany. Commissioned paper by Jürgen Scheffran in Working Group 6 on "Security Risks of Climate Change, Energy Paths and Climate Engineering: From Conflict to Cooperation". General information about this conference can be found here.
June 30-July 01, 2011
Workshop "States of Insecurity" at the Department of Geography of the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Climate Change, Migration and Insecurity". The program of this workshop is available here.
June 27, 2011
Presentation by Cliff Singer (University of Illinois) on "Climate Change and Nuclear Energy in the Post-Fukushima World". This talk was part of the regular CliSAP C3 meetings at the Institute of Peace Research and Security Policy (IFSH) at the University of Hamburg.
June 23, 2011
Lecture Series "Future Energy Today" at Flensburg University, Germany. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran "Ist Klimawandel eine Sicherheitsbedrohung? Wie sich Klimakonflikte vermeiden lassen". More information about this lecture series can be found here (PDF).
June 21, 2011
Lecture by Mithika Mwenda, coordinator of the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) on "The Role of Africa in International Climate Negotiations: The experience of PACJA running up to COP 17", hosted by CLISEC and held in room 133 of the ZMAW building at the University of Hamburg. The detailed announcement can be found here (PDF). Furthermore, a short report (PDF) on this lecture is now available as well.
June 20-24, 2011
International Workshop on "Coping with Crisis in Complex Socio-Economic Systems" in Zürich, Switzerland. Joint presentation by Jasmin Kominek and Jürgen Scheffran on "Tipping points and cascading pathways in the human-environment interaction: a framework for the assessment of complex disasters". Further details about the workshop are available here.
June 20, 2011
Second Climate Security Dialogue "Climate Change in Central Asia: Interlinkages between Water & Energy Security Trends" in Berlin, Germany. The workshop was moderated by Jürgen Scheffran. A report about this event is available at the KlimaCampus website.
June 19-21, 2011
International workshop "Governing the Global Climate Polity: Rationality, Practice and Power" hosted by Johannes Stripple and Harriet Bulkeley at the University of Lund, Sweden. Presentation by Angela Oels on "Climate change induced migration as a security issue: A governmentality perspective".
June 16, 2011
FuturICT Meeting in Zürich, Switzerland, on "Interconnected Observatories of Society for a Resilient and Sustainable Future". Participation by Jürgen Scheffran. The program of this meeting can be found here.
June 09-10, 2011
Jürgen Scheffran attends the Scoping Workshop on Climate Engineering at the Institute for Advanceds Sustainability Studies (IASS) in Potsdam, Germany.
June 05-07, 2011
Angela Oels attends the Nansen Conference on Climate Change Displacement in Oslo, Norway. Details about this conference can be found here.
May 30, 2011
Climate Security Dialogue "Climate Change in the Southern Mediterranean: The Water-Food-Energy-Migration Complex" at the German Foreign Ministry in Berlin, Germany. This event is the first of a series co-organized by adelphi Research, CLISEC, KlimaCampus Hamburg and IFSH. Introduction to the event by Jürgen Scheffran. A report about this event is available at the KlimaCampus website.
May 23-24, 2011
International Conference in Berlin, Germany, on "Desert Power for the People - Sustainable development by Desertec?", which is co-organized by VdW, INES and CLISEC. Talk by Jürgen Scheffran and Jens Klawitter on "Principles, Criteria and Indicators for the Sustainability of the Desertec Project". The conference program can be found here (PDF).
May 20, 2011
Participation of Michael Link and Jasmin Kominek in the workshop "Der gesellschaftliche Umgang mit dem Klimawandel: Sozial- und geisteswissenschaftliche Perspektiven" in Hamburg, Germany, which is organized by the Akademie der Wissenschaften in Hamburg. A detailed workshop program is available here (PDF).
May 18, 2011
Public panel discussion "Strom aus der Wüste" at the University of Hamburg with a keynote presentation by Klaus Töpfer. This event is part of the DESY conference "Solar Energy for Science". Details about this conference are available here. Jürgen Scheffran contributes to the panel discussion. The program of the panel discussion can be found here (PDF).
May 17, 2011
Seminar "Ecological and Humanitarian Consequences of Nuclear Warfare" in Geneva, Switzerland, organized by Mayors for Peace. Contribution by Jürgen Scheffran on "The nuclear - climate change nexus and the implications for nuclear disarmament". The program of this seminar is available here (PDF). The report presented can be found here (PDF).
April 28-29, 2011
Conference at the University of Barcelona, Spain, organized by the European Climate Forum (ECF) on "Integrated Risk Governance in the Mediterranean Region: Climate Change, Democracy and Growth". Panel contribution by Jürgen Scheffran on "Trans Mediterranean Cooperation". More information about the conference can be found here.
April 12-16, 2011
2011 Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers in Seattle, WA (USA). CLISEC presentations by Michael Link on "Potentials for conflict or cooperation on water resources in the Nile River basin under changing climatic conditions", by Janpeter Schilling on "Climate Change and Land-Use Conflicts in Kenya", and by Jürgen Scheffran on "Environmental Migration in the Climate Security Discourse". Michael Link and Jürgen Scheffran, together with Tracy van Holt (East Carolina University) are co-organizing a panel on "Climate change, landscape change, natural resource distribution and conflict". Details about the conference can be found here. A press release related to this event is available here.
April 07, 2011
Talk by Papa Sow (University of Warwick, UK) on "Conflict resolution and codevelopment practices in environment and migration issues: The case of West Africa" at University of Hamburg, Bundesstrasse 53, Room 133. This event is organized by CLISEC and will start at 14:15 h. A press release related to this talk is available here.
April 03-08, 2011
General Assembly 2011 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) in Vienna, Austria. Poster by Corinna Lüthje, Jürgen Scheffran and Mike Schäfer on "Limits to the Anthropocene: what are the challenges and boundaries of science for the post-normal age?" An online version of this poster is available here (PDF).
March 16-19, 2011
52nd Annual Convention of the International Studies Association in Montreal, QC, Canada. Panel on "Coping with Global Environmental Change, Disasters and Security" with a presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Conflicts and Instabilities of Climate-Society Interaction". The paper is available at the ISA website.
March 13-18, 2011
Annual Conference of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) in Dresden, Germany. Joint presentations by Michael Link and Jürgen Scheffran on "Assessing the security implications of climate change and climate engineering" and by Jasmin Kominek and Jürgen Scheffran on "Tipping points and cascading pathways in climate-society interaction".
February 17-19, 2011
Research Workshop "Mathematics in the Science of Complex Systems" at the European Centre for Living Technology and Università Ca'Foscari in Venice, Italy. Participation and presentation by Jasmin Kominek on "Complex Systems Studies as Expansion of Mathematics" and by Michael Link on "Modeling the human-environment interaction: Potential water conflicts in the Nile River Basin".
February 14, 2011
NATO European Security Cooperation Course at the NATO School in Oberammergau, Germany. Invited lecture by Jürgen Scheffran on "Environmental Changes - Impact on International Stability".
February 11-12, 2011
Workshop "Is Complexity the New Framework for the Study of Global Life?" at the Rachel Carson Center in München, Germany. Invited presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Adaptive Complexity and Stability in Climate-Society Interactions". Further details about this event can be found here (PDF).
February 11, 2011
Second ZNF/IFSH-Workshop "Wege aus der Gewalt - Neue Entwicklungen der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung in Hamburg". Presentations by Michael Link and Jürgen Scheffran on "Possible impacts of climate change on societal stability and conflict in Northern Africa" and by Jürgen Scheffran on "Potential security implications and governance issues of climate engineering".
February 07-09, 2011
Participation of Jürgen Scheffran and Janpeter Schilling in the workshop "Northern Africa - Past, present and future climate challenges" at KlimaCampus, Hamburg, Germany.
February 01, 2011
Lecture series "Models in climate science" at KlimaCampus Hamburg. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Modeling Human-Environment interaction: Energy, climate change and resource conflicts". More information on this lecture series is available here (PDF).
January 28-30, 2011
ICARUS Workshop at the School of Natural Resources and Environment at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI. Presentation of Jürgen Scheffran on "From Conflict to Cooperation on Climate Change: Adaptive Governance and Institution-Building in Northern Africa and the Mediterranean Region".
January 25, 2011
Lecture series "Naturwissenschaftliche Beiträge zur Friedensforschung" at University of Hamburg. Lecture by Jürgen Scheffran on "Klima und Sicherheit: Grundlagen, Zusammenhang, Konsequenzen". More information about this event is available here (PDF).
January 19-20, 2011
Workshop "Is Complexity the New Framework for the Study of Global Life?" at the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia (ASSA) in Sydney, Australia. Invited presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Adaptive Complexity and Sustainability in Climate-Society Interaction".
January 15, 2011
Session of the Arbeitskreis Naturwissenschaft und Abrüstung at the Technical University Dortmund, Germany. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Gefährdet Klimawandel den Frieden? Wege zur nachhaltigen Konfliktvermeidung". Details about this presentation can be found here.