December 15, 2010
Lecture series "Unabhängigkeit und neue Abhängigkeiten in Lateinamerika und Afrika - Kritische Betrachtungen aus Anlass der Jahrestage der Dekolonisierung" at University of Hamburg. Presentation by Denise Völker on "Klimaschutz als Ökoimperialismus?". An overview of all topics covered in this lecture series can be found here (PDF).
December 05-09, 2010
ESF-ZiF-Bielefeld Conference on "Environmental Degradation and Conflict: From Vulnerabilities to Capabilities" hosted by the Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld, in Bad Salzuflen, Germany. Written contribution by Angela Oels on "Saving 'climate refugees' as bare life? A theory-based critique of refugee status for climate induced migrants".
December 04, 2010
24th Vaterstettener Friedensgespräche in Vaterstetten, Germany, on "Gefährdet Klimawandel den Weltfrieden?". Participation of Michael Link on the discussion panel. More information on this event is available here.
December 03, 2010
An evening event at the cultural festival "Tollwood" in Munich, Germany, focuses on the impacts of climate change on security aspects. Michael Brzoska is part of the podium that discusses climate change induced migration. The discussion is titled "Obdach gesucht - auf der Flucht vor dem Klimawandel". Details about this event can be found here.
November 26, 2010
Talk by Michael Link at the Ida-Ehre-Gesamtschule in Hamburg about "Die weltweite Hochseefischerei im Spannungsfeld zwischen wirtschaftlichen Interessen und Umweltschutz".
November 25-28, 2010
DGAP-JREDS Conference on "The Impact of Climate Change on the Middle East - Converging and Diverging Perceptions on Development and Human Security" in Amman, Jordania. Presentations by Franziska Piontek on "Impacts of Climate Change on the Nile River Conflict: The Case of Egypt" and by Jens Klawitter on "Moving the Desertec Concept towards Sustainability". Further information about the conference is available here. The conference program can be found here.
November 15, 2010
Jürgen Scheffran joins a press briefing at the Climate Service Center, Hamburg, on "Klimaverhandlungen am Scheideweg?". This event is held in preparation of the UN climate summit in Cancun, Mexico. Further information on this event is available here.
November 12-13, 2010
3rd Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Forum zur Verantwortung der Wissenschaften in Hamburg, Germany. The main subject of this year's convention is "Klima-Wandel des Bewusstseins". Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on security aspects of climate change. The program of this event can be found here (PDF). The registration form is available here (DOC).
(November 01, 2010
Berlin Roundtable on "Climate Change & Security: The Way Ahead" in the British Embassy in Berlin, Germany. Participation by Jürgen Scheffran. An overview of the program is available here (PDF).
October 27-29, 2010
IFAC International Workshop on "Supplemental Ways for Improving International Stability" (SWIIS 2010) in Prishtina, Kosovo. Invited presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Climate Change and Stability in the Mediterranean region". Further information on this workshop can be found here.
October 26, 2010
Adam Smith Seminar at University of Hamburg, Germany. Presentation by Janpeter Schilling on "Climate Change and Conflicts: Overview and Examples". The program of the seminar series is available here (PDF).
October 11-15, 2010
35th Congress of the German Society for Sociology "Transnationalism and Society" in Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Joint presentation by Jasmin Kominek and Jürgen Scheffran on "Kaskadenprozesse in sozialen Netzwerken". Further information about this congress can be found here.
October 06-07, 2010
Participation of Michael Link in the symposium "Geoinformationen für die Küstenzone", held at HafenCity University in Hamburg, Germany. Details about this symposium are available here.
September 30, 2010
Workshop “Ethische Aspekte des Geoengineering“ at the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg in Greifswald, Germany. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on “Umgang mit Sicherheitsrisiken und Konfliktpotentialen des Geoengineering“ (Security Risks and Conflict Potentials of Geoengineering). More information is available here (PDF).
September 29-30, 2010
Participation of Michael Link in the 31st convention "Energie-Landschaften!?" of the Deutsche Landeskulturgesellschaft in Husum, Germany. Further information about this conference can be found here.
September 27-28, 2010
International workshop "Transnational Governance: transforming global environmental politics?" at Durham University, United Kingdom. Presentation by Angela Oels on "Rendering climate change governable as a security issue: Preparing for the IPCC worst case scenario of a +4 degree world".
September 20-21, 2010
Participation of Michael Link in the 20th Meeting of the Working Group GIS-Küste/ESRI User Group Küste in Oeversee, Germany. Details about this event can be found here.
September 17-19, 2010
Conference on "Klima, Gerechtigkeit, Frieden" at the Evangelische Akademie Loccum, Germany. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Verfahren zur zivilen Konfliktregelung im Klimawandel - Verteilungsgerechtigkeit?!" Further information about this conference is available here.
September 17, 2010
Participation of Jürgen Scheffran, Michael Link, and Janpeter Schilling in the colloquium "Climate Engineering: Challenges for Research, Assessment and Governance" held at Kiel, Germany. Details about this event can be found here (PDF).
September 15, 2010
ECCS’10 S4 Satellite Meeting “Emergence, Path dependence and Transitions in Geographical Space” in Lisbon, Portugal. Presentation by Jasmin Kominek on “Cascading Effects in Social Networks”, a joint paper with Jürgen Scheffran. Further information about the satellite meeting at the European Conference on Complex Systems can be found here.
September 09-11, 2010
7th Pan European International Relations Conference "Politics in Hard Times: International Relations Responses to the Financial Crisis" in Stockholm, Sweden. Presentation by Angela Oels on "Rendering climate change governable as a security issue: Preparing for the IPCC worst case scenario of a +4 degree world".
August 31, 2010
Round table on "DESERTEC - Chances and Risks" during the 25th Summer School on Renewable Energy at the Solar Institute Jülich, Germany. Participation of Jürgen Scheffran, together with Frank-Detlef Drake (RWE), Manfred Fischedick (Wuppertal Institute), Ralf Fücks (Böll Foundation), Bernhard Hoffschmidt (FH Aachen), and Valentin Hollain (EUROSOLAR). Details about this event are available here.
August 29-September 03, 2010
9th International NCCR Climate Summer School "Adaptation and Mitigation: Responses to Climate Change" in Grindelwald, Switzerland. Attendance and poster presentation by Janpeter Schilling on "Climate Change and Resource Conflicts in Northern Africa". Further information about the summer school can be found here.
July 11-17, 2010
XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology in Gothenburg, Sweden. Presentation by Jasmin Kominek on "How do actors decide when facing uncertainty as in the example of migration?". Further information about this event is available here.
July 08-17, 2010
22nd International Summer symposium on Science and World Affairs in Hamburg, Germany. Presentation by Janpeter Schilling and Jürgen Scheffran on "Climate Change and Security". Further information about this symposium can be found here.
June 21-24, 2010
250th Anniversary Conference on "Climate Change and Security" in Trondheim, Norway, organized by the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters. Presentation by Franziska Piontek and Michael Link on "Integrated assessment of climate security hot spots in the Mediterranean region", a joint paper by Michael Link, Franziska Piontek, Jürgen Scheffran and Janpeter Schilling. The preliminary program of the conference can be found here.
June 20-July 03, 2010
Participation of Jasmin Kominek in the Graduate Workshop in Computational Social Science Modeling and Complexity in Santa Fe, NM. Further information about this workshop can be found here. Some workshop results are available here.
June 10, 2010
Lecture by Jürgen Scheffran at the INES workshop "Future wars? Conflicts in times of Climate Change" on the occasion of the UNCCC Bonn Climate Change Talks. The workshop is held at the University of Bonn, Germany. Further details on this event are available here (PDF).
June 07, 2010
20 students from Africa and Asia supported by "Brot für die Welt" have visited the KlimaCampus in Hamburg and talked with Jürgen Scheffran about climate conflicts. More information about this event can be found here.
June 03-04, 2010
International conference "Security in Futures - Security in Change" in Turku, Finland, organized by the Finland Futures Research Centre and the Finland Futures Academy. Keynote speech by Jürgen Scheffran on "Climate change, resource conflicts and sustainable peace: Addressing future security challenges". The program of the conference is available here (PDF).
June 01, 2010
Presentation by Jasmin Kominek on "What if path dependency shapes people's decision-making processes? - Approaching Computational Social Sciences". This presentation is part of the Adam Smith Seminar Series that is organized by the Institute of Socio-Economics at University of Hamburg. Details about this seminar series are available here.
May 12, 2010
Review conference of the Non-Proliferation Treaty in New York, NY. Jürgen Scheffran speaks at the IALANA-Panel on "Nuclear Weapons Convention and the NPT - Legal Challenges and Prospects". More information about this conference will be added soon.
May 08, 2010
Seminar "Simulated negotiations on a Nuclear Weapons Convention" held by the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Verification of Nuclear Disarmament". The program of the seminar will be made available here.
May 06, 2010
Fachgespräch "DESERTEC - Baustein einer neuen Sicherheitsarchitektur innerhalb des MENA-EU-Raumes?" in Berlin, Germany. Contribution by Jürgen Scheffran. Information about this event will be posted here when available.
April 22-25, 2010
28th annual conference of the "Arbeitskreis Geographie der Meere und Küsten (AMK)" in Hallig Hooge, Germany. Presentation by Michael Link on "Die touristische Wahrnehmung und Akzeptanz von Veränderungen im Eiderstedter Landschaftsbild". Information on this conference is available here.
April 21-23, 2010
Conference on "Continents under Climate Change" in Berlin, Germany. Joint presentation by Janpeter Schilling and Jürgen Scheffran on "Climate change and land use conflicts in Northern Africa". More detailed information on this conference is available here.
April 14, 2010
Lecture series "Global Environmental Governance" of the Center for Globalization and Governance and CliSAP. Lecture by Jürgen Scheffran on "Implementation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change - A challenge for global governance". More information on this lecture series can be found here.
March 25, 2010
Panel discussion "Klimawissenschaft im Kreuzverhör" mit Martin Claussen, Jochem Marotzke, Heinrich Miller, Hans von Storch, and Martin Visbeck in Auditorium 1 of the Geomatikum at University of Hamburg. More information is available here.
March 24, 2010
Spring meeting of the Division on Physics of Socio-Economic Systems of the German Physical Society in Regensburg, Germany. Talk by Janpeter Schilling and Jürgen Scheffran on "Climate Change and Societal Instability".
March 22-23, 2010
Participation of Jürgen Scheffran in the German meeting of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in Eisenach, Germany.
March 19, 2010
Lecture series of the Local Agenda Cologne in Cologne, Germany. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran about "Ressourcenkonflikte und Konfliktressourcen". Further information about this event can be found here.
March 04-05, 2010
Meeting of the Disarmament and Demilitarization Working Group of the World Future Council. Presentations by Jürgen Scheffran and Martin Kalinowski on the Nuclear Weapons Convention and the links between climate change, nuclear disarmament and sustainable peace.
March 02-03, 2010
Participation of Jürgen Scheffran and Martin Claussen in the DFG round table "Climate Engineering: Verantwortungsinitiative der Wissenschaften" in Eisenach, Germany.
February 26-28, 2010
Annual Conference of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Friedens- und Konfliktforschung in Hamburg focusing on "Klimawandel und Konflikte". Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Globaler Klimawandel und Gewaltkonflikte". Presentations by other members of the CLISEC research area (Martin Basedau, Michael Brzoska, Martin Claußen, Martin Kalinowski, Angela Oels, Jürgen Oßenbrügge).
February 24-26, 2010
Participation of Jürgen Scheffran in the Meeting of the Multilateral Study Group on Missiles in the Middle East in Sevilla, Spain.
February 17-20, 2010
Workshop "Peace and Security in the Anthropocene" at the Annual Convention of the International Studies Association in New Orleans, LA (USA). Talk by Jürgen Scheffran on "Assessing and Preventing Climate Conflicts and Security Risks". Presentations by other members of the CLISEC research area (Michael Brzoska, Cord Jakobeit, Angela Oels).
February 12, 2010
Workshop "Kompetenz im Forschungsfeld Interdisziplinäre Friedens- und Konfliktforschung in der Metropolregion Hamburg" at IFSH and ZNF of University of Hamburg. Joint presentation by Michael Link, Janpeter Schilling and Jürgen Scheffran on "Integrated Assessment of Climate Security Hot Spots in the Mediterranean Region".
February 11-13, 2010
ICARUS Workshop "Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation: Theories and Cases" organized by the Social Dimensions of Environmental Policy Initiative at the University of Illinois. Talk by Jürgen Scheffran on "Integrated Concepts and Adaptive Strategies for Addressing Social Vulnerability to Climate Change: the case of the Mediterranean Region".
February 05, 2010
Discussion of the VDW about "Beteiligung der Zivilgesellschaft am Desertec-Projekt" in Hamburg. Presentation by Jürgen Scheffran on "Criteria for a sustainable Desertec-Project".
January 20-22, 2010
Talk by Jürgen Scheffran on "The Nuclear Weapons Convention as a Process" at the Consultation of the Middle Powers Initiative at the Carter Center, Atlanta, GA (USA).
January 13, 2010
Talk by Dennis Tänzler (Adelphi Research Berlin) on the perspectives of climate security as a problem of international policy. This presentation is part of the IFSH research colloquium and takes place at 14:00 at the Institute of Peace Research and Security Policy (Beim Schlump 83).
Talk by Jürgen Scheffran on "Climate Change and Security: Regional Hotspots and Strategies for Conflict Prevention". This presentation is part of the ZMAW/KlimaCampus Seminar Series and takes place at 13:30 in room 022/023 of the ZMAW building (Bundesstrasse 53) at University of Hamburg.
January 12, 2010
Talk by Jürgen Scheffran on "Klima und Sicherheit: Grundlagen, Zusammenhang, Konsequenzen". This presentation is part of the ZNF Seminar Series and takes place at 16:15 in room 02/023 of the ZNF building (Beim Schlump 83) at University of Hamburg.