Prof. Dr. Jürgen Scheffran

Principal investigator of CLISEC
Research Group Climate Change and Security
Institute of Geography
Cluster of Excellence CliSAP
Universität Hamburg
Jürgen Scheffran is professor at the Institute of Geography of Universität Hamburg and head of the Research Group Climate Change and Security (CLISEC) in the Excellence Initiative “Integrated Climate Systems Analysis and Prediction” (CliSAP) at KlimaCampus Hamburg. He is Associate Member of the Center for Science and Peace Research (ZNF) and Faculty Affiliate of the Program in Arms Control, Disarmament and International Security (ACDIS) at the University of Illinois.
After his physics Ph.D. at the University of Marburg he worked in the Interdisciplinary Research Group IANUS and the Mathematics Department of the Technical University of Darmstadt, at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), and as Visiting Professor at the University of Paris (Sorbonne).
Before he came to Hamburg in August 2009, he spent five years at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), where he held positions in the Departments of Political Science and Atmospheric Sciences, at ACDIS and the Center for Advanced BioEnergy Research (CABER).
His research and teaching interests include:
- energy security, climate change and sustainability science;
- complex systems analysis, mathematical modelling and computer simulation;
- technology assessment, arms control and international security.
He served as advisor to the United Nations, the Technology Assessment Bureau of the German Parliament, the Federal Environmental Agency, and he took part in the German delegation to the climate negotiations in New Delhi in 2002 (COP-8).
Recent activities include the ConflictSpace project, the Renewable Energy Initiative in Illinois and projects funded by the Environmental Council, the Department of Energy and the Energy Biosciences Institute. He organized the KlimaCampus conference on climate change and conflict at University of Hamburg in November 2009.
More information about previous and on-going work can be found at the websites of CLISEC, the Institute of Geography and the Center for Science and Peace Research (ZNF) at University of Hamburg.
Journal articles
Franzke CLE, Ciullo A, Gilmore EA, Matias DM, Nagabhatla N, Orlov A, Paterson SK, Scheffran J, Sillmann J, (2022): Perspectives on tipping points in integrated models of the natural and human Earth system: cascading effects and telecoupling. Environmental Research Letters 17 (1): 15004. online first
Moghfeli Z, Ghorbani M, Rezvani M, Khorasani M, Azadi A, Scheffran J, (2021): Social capital and farmers' leadership in Iranian rural communities: Application of social network analysis, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.
Bhalerao AK, Rasche L, Scheffran J, Schneider UA, (2021): Sustainable agriculture in Northeastern India: how do tribal farmers perceive and respond to climate change? The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. online first
Scheffran J, Staack M, Brzoska M, Ehrhart H-G, Schnier H, Ross J, Luhmann H-L, Kütt M, Mucha W, Wöhrmann S, Janusch H, Heidbrink C, Levy K, Dany C, Fischer M, (2021): Mythen der etablierten Sicherheitspolitik II. Die Friedens-Warte: Journal of International Peace and Organization, 94(3-4): 205-357. online
Scheffran J, (2021): Migration, Flucht und Vertreibung. Praxis Geographie 12-2021, S. 4-9. online
Khezri S, Ahmadi Dehrashid A, Bijani M, Valizadeh N, Nasrollahizadeh B, Azadi H, Scheffran J, (2021): Resilience of human settlements against landslide risk: The case of Kurdistan Province, Iran, Land Degradation & Development, 32(18), 5360-5377. online
Haghiyan I, Mofidi-Chelan M, Azadi H, Nejatiyanpour E, Motamedi J, Sheidai Karkaj E, Scheffran J, Evaluating economic and ecological management to determine the economic size of pastoral units for different climatic zones in the northeast of Iran, Journal of Environmental Management, 301, 113766. online
Marie M, Yirga F, Haile M, Ehteshammajd Sh, Azadi H, Scheffran J, (2021): Time-series trend analysis and farmer perceptions of rainfall and temperature in northwestern Ethiopia, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-21. online
Barati A.A, Azadi H, Scheffran J, (2021): Agricultural land fragmentation in Iran: application of game theory, Land Use Policy, 100, 105049. online
Mach KJ, Kraan CM, Adger WN, Buhaug H, Burke M, Fearon JD, Field CB, Hendrix CS, Maystadt JF, O’Loughlin J, Roessler P, Scheffran J, Schultz KA, von Uexkull N (2019): Climate as a risk factor for armed conflict. Nature. online first
Jamshidi O, Asadi A, Kalantari K, Azadi H, Scheffran J, (2019): Vulnerability to climate change of smallholder farmers in the Hamadan province, Iran, Climate Risk Management, 23,146–159. online
Barati AA, Azadi H, Scheffran J, (2019): A system dynamics model of smart groundwater governance. Agricultural Water Management, 221: 502-518. online
Scheffran J, Link P, Schilling J, (2019): Climate and conflict in Africa. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science. Oxford University Press. online
Shaaban M., Scheffran J, Böhner J, Elsobki MS (2019): A dynamic sustainability analysis of energy landscapes in Egypt: A spatial agent-based model combined with multi-criteria decision analysis. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 22(1):4. online
Shaaban M, Scheffran J, Böhner J, Elsobki M, (2019): ELTAP-Egy model (Energy Landscape Transition Analysis and Planning in Egypt) (Version 1.0.0). CoMSES Computational Model Library. online
Abid M, Scheffran J, Schneider UA, Elahi E (2019): Farmer Perceptions of Climate Change, Observed Trends and Adaptation of Agriculture in Pakistan. Environmental Management 63(1): 110–123.
Williams D, Costa MM, Sutherland C, Celliers L, Scheffran J (2019) :Vulnerability of informal settlements in the context of rapid urbanization and climate change, Journal of Environment and Urbanization, (January) 1–20.
Lawrence, MG, Schäfer, S, Muri, H, Scott, V, Oschlies, A, Vaughan, NE, Boucher, O, Schmidt, H, Haywood, J, Scheffran, J (2018): Evaluating climate geoengineering proposals in the context of the Paris Agreement temperature goals. Nature Communications, 13. September 2018. 9:3734 (1-19). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-05938-3. online
Yang L, Scheffran J, Sweety D, Dawson R, Chen YD (2018): Assessment of Flood Losses with Household Responses: Agent-Based Simulation in an Urban Catchment Area. Environmental Modeling and Assessment. 23 (4): 369-388. online
Heider K, Rodriguez Lopez JM, Scheffran J (2018): The potential of volunteered geographic information to investigate peri-urbanization in the conservation zone of Mexico City. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 190(4): 90(4):219-235. online
Dehghani Pour, M., Barati, A.A., Azadi, H., Scheffran, J. (2018): Revealing the Role of Livelihood Assets in Livelihood Strategies: Towards Enhancing Conservation and Livelihood Development in the Hara Biosphere Reserve, Iran. Ecological Indicator, 79 (1), 336-347. online
Bukari, K.N., Sow, P., Scheffran, J. (2018): Cooperation and co-existence between farmers and herders in the midst of violent farmer-herder conflicts in Ghana. African Studies Review, 1-25 (online first). doi:10.1017/asr.2017.124.
Shaaban, M., Scheffran, J., Böhner, J., Elsobki, M.S. (2018): Sustainability assessment of electricity generation technologies in Egypt using multi-criteria decision analysis. Energies, 11(5), 1117. online
Evadzi, P., Scheffran, J., Zorita, E., & Hünicke, B. (2018): Awareness of See-Level Response Under Climate Change on the Coast of Chana. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 22, 183-197. online
Yang, L., Chan, F., & Scheffran, J. (2018): Climate Change, Water Management and Stakeholder Analysis in the Dongjiang River Basin in South China. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 34, 166-191. online
Solomon, N., Birhane, E., Gordon, C., Haile, M., Taheri, F., Azadi, H., Scheffran, J. (2018): Environmental impacts and causes of conflict in the Horn of Africa: A review. Earth-Science Reviews, 177, 284–290. online
Scheffran, J., Link, P.M., Shaaban, M., Süsser, D., & Yang, J. (2017): Technikfolgenabschätzung in Energielandschaften, TATuP, 26 (3): 44-50. online
Schilling J, Nash SL, Ide T, Scheffran J, Froese R, von Prondzinski P (2017): Resilience & environmental security: towards joint application in peacebuilding. Global Change, Peace & Security 29(2): 1-21. online
Abid, M., Schneider, U. A., & Scheffran, J. (2016): Adaptation to Climate Change and Its Impacts on Food Productivity and Crop Income: Perspectives of Farmers in Rural Pakistan, Journal of Rural Studies, 47, Part A, 254-266. online
Song, X., Chang, K.-t., Yang, L., & Scheffran, J. (2016): Change in Environmental Benefits of Urban Land Use and Its Drivers in Chinese Cities, 2000–2010, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(6), 1-21. online
Ngaruiya, G. W., & Scheffran, J. (2016): Actors and Networks in Resource Conflict Resolution under Climate Change in Rural Kenya, Earth System Dynamics, 7(2), 441-452. online
Link, P.M. , Scheffran, J. & Ide, T. (2016): Conflict and cooperation in the water-security nexus: a global comparative analysis of river basins under climate change, WIREs Water, online first. online
Gioli, G., Hugo, G., Máñez Costa, M., & Scheffran, J. (eds.) (2016): Human Mobility, Climate Adaptation, and Development, Migration and Development, Special Issue. online
Gioli, G., Hugo, G., Máñez Costa, M., & Scheffran, J. (2016): Human Mobility, Climate Adaptation, and Development, Migration and Development, 5(2), 165-170. online
Schäfer, M. S., Scheffran, J., & Penniket, L. (2015): Securitization of Media Reporting on Climate Change? A Cross-national Analysis in Nine Countries, Security Dialogue, doi:10.1177/0967010615600915 . online
Link, P. M., Brücher, T., Claussen, M., Link, J. S. A., & Scheffran, J. (2015): The Nexus Of Climate Change, Land Use, and Conflict: Complex Human-Environment Interactions in Northern Africa, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00037.1 . online
Sow, P., Marmer, E., & Scheffran, J. (2015): Between the heat and the hardships. Climate change and mixed migration flows in Morocco. Migration and Development, 1-21, doi:10.1080/21632324.2015.1022968 . online
Scheffran, J. (2015): Technikkonflikte in der vernetzten Welt, Wissenschaft und Frieden, 2, 6-10. online
Ide, T., Schilling, J., Link, J.S.A., Scheffran, J., Ngaruiya, G. & Weinzierl, T. (2014): On exposure, vulnerability and violence: Spatial distribution of risk factors for climate change and violent conflict across Kenya and Uganda,Political Geography, 43 (1), 68-81. online
Buhaug, H., Nordkvelle, J., Bernauer, T., Böhmelt, T., Brzoska, M., Busby, J.W., Ciccone, A., Fjelde, H., Gartzke, E., Gleditsch, N.P., Goldstone, J.A., Hegre, H. Holtermann, H., Koubi, V., Link, J.S.A., Link, P.M., Lujala, P., O'Loughlin, J., Raleigh, C., Scheffran, J., Schilling, J., Smith, T.G., Theisen, O.M., Tol, R.S.J., Urdal, H. & von Uexkull, N. (2014): One effect to rule them all? A comment on climate and conflict, Climatic Change, online first. online
Gioli, G., Khan, T., Bisht, S. & Scheffran, J. (2014): Migration as an Adaptation Strategy and its Gendered Implications: A Case Study From the Upper Indus Basin, Mountain Research and Development, 34 (3), pp. 255-265. online
Ide, T. & Scheffran, J. (2014): On climate, conflict and cumulation: suggestions for integrative cumulation of knowledge in the research on climate change and violent conflict, Global Change, Peace & Security, 26 (3), 263-279. online
Yang, L., Scheffran, J., Qin, H. & You, Q. (2014): Climate-related flood risks and urban responses in the Pearl River Delta, China, Regional Environmental Change, online first. online
Scheffran, J., Ide, T. & Schilling, J. (2014): Violent climate or climate of violence? Concepts and relations with focus on Kenya and Sudan, The International Journal of Human Rights, 18 (3), pp. 369-390. online
Chi, S.H., Flint, C., Diehl, P., Vasquez, J. Scheffran, J., Radil, S.M. & Rider, T.J. (2014): The Spatial Diffusion of War: The Case of World War I, Journal of the Korean Geographical Society, 49 (1), pp. 57-76. online
Sow P, Adaawen SA & Scheffran, J (2014): Migration, Social Demands and Environmental Change amongst the Frafra of Northern Ghana and the Biali in Northern Benin, Sustainability, 6 (1): 375-398. online
Ngaruiya G & Scheffran J (2013): Reducing climate adaptation deficits using revolving fund network schemes in rural areas of Kenya, African Journal of Economic & Sustainable Development, 2 (4): 347-362. online
Brzoska M & Scheffran J (2013) Climate and war: No clear-cut schism, Nature, 498, 171 (13 June 2013). online
Hartmann J, West J, Renforth P, Köhler P, de la Rocha C, Wolf-Gladrow D, Dürr H & Scheffran J (2013) Enhanced Chemical Weathering - as a sink for Carbon Dioxide, a Nutrient Source and a Strategy to Mitigate Ocean Acidification, Reviews of Geophysics, 51 (2): 113-149. online
Scheffran J (2013) Atomwaffen-Teststopp und die Zukunft von Rüstungskontrolle und Verifikation, Das Blättchen,16 (16), 5. August. online
Link PM, Kominek J & Scheffran J (2013) Impacts of accelerated sea level rise on the coastal zones of Egypt,Mainzer Geographische Studien, 55: 79-94. download
Link PM, Brzoska M, Maas A, Neuneck G & Scheffran J (2013) Possible implications of climate engineering for peace and security, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 94: ES13-ES16. online
Brzoska M, Link PM, Maas A & Scheffran J (2012) Geoengineering: An Issue for Peace and Security?,Sicherheit und Frieden, 30 (4): IV. online
Maas A & Scheffran J (2012) Climate Conflicts 2.0? Climate Engineering as Challenge for International Peace and Security, Sicherheit und Frieden, 30 (4): 193-200. online
Schilling J, Opiyo FEO & Scheffran J (2012) Raiding pastoral livelihoods: motives and effects of violent conflict in north-western Kenya, Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice, 2 (25): 16 pp. online
Link PM, Piontek F, Scheffran J & Schilling J (2012) On Foes and Flows: Vulnerabilities, Adaptive Capacities and Transboundary Relations in the Nile River Basin in Times of Climate Change, L'Europe en Formation, 365: 99-138. online
Ide, T., Scheffran, J. & Schilling, J. (2012): Führt der Klimawandel zu mehr Gewaltkonflikten?, Wissenschaft und Frieden, 30 (3), pp. 7-9. online
Scheffran J, Brzoska M, Kominek J, Link PM & Schilling, J. (2012) Disentangling the Climate-conflict Nexus: Empirical and Theoretical Assessment of Vulnerabilities and Pathways, Review of European Studies, 4 (5): 1-13. online
Schilling J, Freier KP, Hertig E & Scheffran J (2012) Climate change, vulnerability and adaptation in North Africa with focus on Morocco,
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 156: 12-26. online
Scheffran J, Brzoska M, Kominek J, Link PM & Schilling J (2012) Climate change and violent conflict, Science,336: 869-871. online
Weil M, Grassl H, Hoshyaripour G, Kloster S, Kominek J, Misios S, Scheffran J, Starr S, Stenchikov G, Sudarchikova N, Timmreck C, Zhang D & Kalinowski M (2012) Pathways, Impacts, and Policies on Severe Aerosol Injections into the Atmosphere, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, online first. online
Scheffran J, Marmer E & Sow P (2012) Migration as a contribution to resilience and innovation in climate adaptation: Social networks and co-development in Northwest Africa, Applied Geography, 33: 119-127. online
Freier KP, Brüggemann R, Scheffran J, Finckh M & Schneider UA (2012) Assessing the Predictability of Future Livelihood Strategies of Pastoralists in Semi-Arid Morocco under Climate Change, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 79: 371-382. online
Meyer I, Kaniovski S & Scheffran J (2012) Scenarios for regional passenger car fleets and their CO2 emissions,Energy Policy, 41: 66-74. online
Scheffran J & Battaglini A (2011): Climate and Conflicts - The security risks of global warming, Regional Environmental Change, 11 (Suppl. 1): 27-39. online
McCarter M, Budescu D & Scheffran J (2011) The Give-or-Take-Some Dilemma: An Empirical Investigation of a Hybrid Social Dilemma, Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes, 116: 83-95. online
Vasquez JA, Diehl P, Flint C, Scheffran J, Chi S, & Rider T (2011) The Conflict Space of Cataclysm: The International System and the Spread of War 1914-1917, Foreign Policy Analysis, 7: 143-168. online
Scheffran J (2010) Verification and security in a nuclear-weapon-free world: Elements and framework of a Nuclear Weapons Convention, UNIDIR Disarmament Forum, 3-2010: 51-64. online
Schilling J, Scheffran J & Link, PM (2010) Climate Change and Land Use Conflicts in Northern Africa, Nova Acta Leopoldina NF, 112 (384): 173-182. download
Flint, C., Diehl, P., Scheffran, J., Vasquez, J. & Chi, S. (2009): Conceptualizing Conflict Space: Towards a geography of relational power and embeddedness in the analysis of interstate conflict,
Annals of the Association of American Geographers (Special Issue on “Geographies of Peace and Armed Conflict”), 99 (5), pp. 827-835. online
Lempert, R.,Scheffran, J. & Sprinz, D.F. (2009): Methods for Long-Term Environmental Policy Challenges,
Global Environmental Politics, 9 (3), pp. 106-133. online
Scheffran, J. (2009): Biofuel Conflicts and Human Security: Toward a sustainable Bioenergy Lifecycle and Infrastructure,
Swords & Ploughshares, 17 (2), pp. 4-10. online
Scheffran, J. & BenDor, T. (2009): Bioenergy and Land Use – A Spatial-Agent Dynamic Model of Energy Crop Production in Illinois,
International Journal of Environment & Pollution, 39 (1/2), pp. 4-27. online
BenDor, T., Scheffran, J. & Hannon, B. (2009): Ecological and Economic Sustainability in Fishery Management: A Multi-Agent Model for Understanding Competition and Cooperation,
Ecological Economics, 68, pp. 1061 – 1073. online
Scheffran, J. (2009): The gathering storm: is climate change a security threat?,
Security Index, 87 (2), pp. 21-31. download
Singer, C.E., Rethinaraj, T.S.G., Addy, S., Durham, D., Musik, M., Khanna, M., Kuehl, B., Luo, J., Quimio, W., Rajendran, K., Ramirez, D., Qiang, J., Scheffran, J., Tiouririne, T.N. & Zhang, J. (2008): Probability Distributions for Carbon Emissions and Atmospheric Response,
Climatic Change, 88 (3-4), pp. 309-342. online
Meyer, I. & Scheffran, J. (2008): Potenziale und Grenzen von Biokraftstoffen: Bioenergie für Klimaschutz und Nachhaltige Entwicklung?,
Wissenschaft und Umwelt Interdisziplinär, 11, pp. 80-93. online
Blaschek, H.P., Knott, G., Scheffran, J., Funk, T. & Overmyer, S. (2008): Overview of the Center for Advanced Bioenergy Research at the University of Illinois,
ACS Chemical Biology, 3 (1), pp. 21-23. online
Scheffran, J. (2008): Climate Change and Security,
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 64 (2), pp. 19-25. online
Scheffran, J. (2008): Adaptive Management of Energy Transitions in Long-Term Climate Change,
Computational Management Science, 5 (3), pp. 259-286. online
Scheffran, J. (2008): The Complexity of Security,
Complexity, 14 (1), pp. 13-21. online
Scheffran, J. & Hannon, B. (2007): From Complex Conflicts to Stable Cooperation,
Complexity, 13 (2), pp. 78-91. online
Eisenack, K., Scheffran, J. & Kropp, J. (2006): Viability analysis of management frameworks for fisheries,
Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 11, pp. 69–79. online
Altmann, J. & Scheffran, J. (2003): New Rules in Outer Space: Options and Scenarios,
Security Dialogue, 34 (1), pp. 109-116. online
Ipsen, D., Rösch, R. & Scheffran, J. (2001): Cooperation in Global Climate Policy: Potentialities and Limitations,
Energy Policy, 29 (4), pp. 315-326. online
Scheffran, J. & Pickl, S. (2000): Control and Game-Theoretic Assessment of Climate Change - Options for Joint Implementation,
Annals of Operations Research, 97, pp. 203-212. online
Scheffran, J. (2000): The Dynamic Interaction Between Economy and Ecology. Cooperation, Stability and Sustainability for a Dynamic-Game Model of Resource Conflicts,
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 53, pp. 371-380. online
Jathe, M., Krabs, W. & Scheffran, J. (1997): Control and Game Theoretical Treatment of a Cost-Security Model for Disarmament,
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 20, pp. 653-666. online
Scheffran, J. (1986): Verification and Risk for an Anti-Satellite-Weapons Ban,
Bulletin of Peace Proposals, 17 (2), pp. 165-174. no online version available
Book chapters & conference proceedings (refereed)
Scheffran J, (2021): Environmental Security and Climate Diplomacy in the Mediterranean. In: Venturi B, Dessi A (Eds.) Peacebuilding and Climate Change. Bologna Peacebuilding Forum, 18-19 May 2021, Oct. 25, 2021, pp. 28-44. online
Scheffran J, (2021): Wirtschaftliche und soziale Folgen der Desertifikation. In: Lozán JL, S-W Breckle, H Graßl, D Kasang (Hg.) Warnsignal Klima: Boden & Landnutzung. S. 265-271. GEO Hamburg. online first
Scheffran J (2021) Die Gewalt der Natur: Klimawandel zwischen Unsicherheit und Frieden. In: Verfuß C, Erdmann F, (2021): Mondnacht - Fünf vor Zwölf: Antworten auf die Klimakrise. Trabanten-Verlag, S. 163-188. online
Bukari, K.N., Sow, P., Scheffran, J. (2019): Real or Hyped? Linkages Between Environmental / Climate Change and Conflicts – The Case of Farmers and Fulani Pastoralists in Ghana. In: Mohamed Behnassi, Himangana Gupta, Olaf Pollmann (Eds.) Human and Environmental Security in the Era of Global Risks: Perspectives from Africa, Asia and the Pacific Islands, Springer 2019, pp. 161-185; DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-92828-9_9. online
Scheffran J (2018): Verification and security of transformation to a nuclear-weapon-free world: the framework of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. In: Camilleri JA, Hamel-Green M, Yoshida F (Eds.) The 2017 Nuclear Ban Treaty. A New Path to Nuclear Disarmament. Chapter 10, Routledge.
Scheffran J (2018): Migration und soziale Probleme als Folge von Wetterextremen. In: Lozan J, Graßl H, et al (Eds.) Warnsignal Klima: Extremereignisse, Warnsignal Klima (GEO) 09/2018, 320-325.
Link PM, Scheffran J, Shu K (2018): They sow the wind and reap bioenergy: implications of the German energy transition on coastal communities in Schleswig- Holstein, Germany. Heidkamp CP, Morrissey J (Eds.) Towards Coastal Resilience and Sustainability, Routledge, 145-170.
Brzoska M, Oßenbrügge J, Fröhlich C, Scheffran J (2018): Migration. In: H. von Storch, I. Meinke, M. Claussen (Eds.), Hamburger Klimabericht – Wissen über Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Hamburg. Springer Spektrum. 209-224.
Scheffran J (2017): Der Nexus aus Migration, Klimawandel und Konflikten. In: Scheffran J (Ed) Migration und Flucht zwischen Klimawandel und Konflikten. Hamburger Symposium Geographie, Band 9: 7-40.
Scheffran J (2017): Complex Crisis Landscapes and Climate Risk Governance: Challenges for European Stability and Transformation. Policy Insights, EUC Paper Series, Special Issue - Governing Globalization.
Scheffran J (2016): Klimawandel als Risikoverstärker in komplexen Systemen. In: Brasseur G, Jacob D, Schuck-Zöller S (Eds), Klimawandel in Deutschland. Springer, 287-294.
Scheffran J, Froese R (2016): Enabling Environments for Sustainable Energy Transitions: The Diffusion of Technology, Innovation and ability Transition and Sustainable Peace, Springer, 721-756. Investment in Low-Carbon Societies. In: Brauch HG, Oswald-Spring U, Grin J, Scheffran J (Eds.) Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace. Springer, 721-756.
Oswald Spring Ú, Brauch HG, Scheffran J (2016): Sustainability Transition with Sustainable Peace: Key Messages and Scientific Outlook. Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace. In: Brauch HG, Oswald-Spring U, Grin J, Scheffran J (Eds.) Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace. Springer, 887-927.
Scheffran, J. (2016): From a Climate of Complexity to Sustainable Peace: Viability Transformations and Adaptive Governance in the Anthropocene. In: Brauch, G. H., Oswald Spring, Ú., Grin, J., & Scheffran, J. (Eds.),Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace, Cham, Springer, pp. 305-346. online
Ide, T., Link, P.M., Scheffran, J., & Schilling, J. (2016): The Climate-Conflict Nexus: Pathways, Regional Links, and Case Studies. In: Brauch, G. H., Oswald Spring, Ú., Grin, J., & Scheffran, J. (Eds.), Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace, Cham, Springer, pp. 285-304. online
Sow, P., Marmer, E., & Scheffran, J. (2016): En Route to Hell: Dreams of Adventure and Traumatic Experiences among West African “Boat People” to Europe. In: Mannik, L. (ed.), Migration by Boat: Discourses of Trauma, Exclusion and Survival, Oxford, New York, Berghahn, pp. 235-252. online
Scheffran, J. (2015): Klimakonflikte. In: Bauriedl, S. (ed.), Wörterbuch Klimadebatte, Bielefeld, Transcript, pp. 179-186. download and online
Schäfer, S., Lawrence, M., Stelzer, H., Born, W., Low, S., Aaheim, A., Adriázola, P., Betz, G., Boucher, O., Carius, A., Devine-Right, P., Gullberg, A. T., Haszeldine, S., Hay-wood, J., Houghton, K., Ibarrola, R., Irvine, P., Kristjansson, J.-E., Lenton, T., Link, J. A., Maas, A., Meyer, L., Muri, H., Oschlies, A., Proelß, A., Rayner, T., Rickels, W., Ruthner, L., Scheffran, J., Schmidt, H., Schulz, M., Scott, V., Shackley, S., Tänzler, D., Watson, M., & Vaughan, N. (2015): The European Transdisciplinary Assessment of Climate Engineering (EuTRACE): Removing Greenhouse Gases from the Atmosphere and Reflecting Sunlight away from Earth, funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme. download
Scheffran, J. (2015): Complexity and Stability in Human-Environment Interaction: The Transformation from Climate Risk Cascades to Viable Adaptive Networks. In: Kavalski (ed.), World Politics at the Edge of Chaos, pp. 229-252. online
Scheffran, J. (2015): Klimawandel als Sicherheitsrisiko? In: Jäger (ed.), Handbuch Sicherheitsgefahren, Wiesbaden, Springer, pp. 105-122. online
Schilling, J., Akuno, M., Scheffran, J. & Weinzierl, T. (2014): On Raids and Relations: Climate Change, Pastoral Conflict and Adaptation in Northwestern Kenya,
in: S. Bronkhorst & U. Bob (eds.), Conflict-sensitive Adaptation to Climate Change in Africa, Berlin, Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag, pp. 241-268. online
Scheffran, J. & Brauch, H.G. (2014): Conflicts and Security Risks of Climate Change in the Mediterranean Region, in: S. Goffredo & Z. Dubinsky (eds.), The Mediterranean Sea: Its History and Present Challenges, Berlin, Springer Verlag, pp. 625-640.
Scheffran, J. (2013): Energy, climate change and conflict: securitization of migration, mitigation and geoengineering, in: H. Dyer, M.J. Trombetta (eds.), International Handbook of Energy Security, Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar, pp. 319-344.
Scheffran, J. (2012): Wege zur atomwaffenfreien Welt, in: G. Flach & K. Fuchs-Kittowski (eds.), Vom atomaren Patt zu einer von Atomwaffen freien Welt - Zum Gedenken an Klaus Fuchs, Abhandlungen der Leibnizsozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Berlin, Info Wissenschaftsverlag, pp. 173-182.
Kominek, J. and Scheffran, J. (2012): Cascading Processes and Path Dependency in Social Networks, in: H.G. Soeffner (ed.), Transnationale Vergesellschaftungen, Wiesbaden, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Scheffran, J. and Vollmer, R. (2012): Migration und Klimawandel: globale Verantwortung der EU statt Angstdebatte, in: B. Schoch, C. Hausdewell, J. Kursawe & M. Johannsen (eds.), Friedensgutachten 2012, Münster, LIT Verlag, pp. 209-221.
Scheffran, J. (2012): Konflikt und Kooperation im Klimawandel, in: D. von Quistorp (ed.), Kirche schützt Klima, Wiesbaden/Berlin, fenestra Verlag, pp. 51-60.
Scheffran, J. (2012): Klimawandel und Ressourcenkonflikt, in: Menschen, Klima, Zukunft?, Jahrbuch Gerechtigkeit V, Glashütten, C&P Verlag, pp. 52-61.
Scheffran, J., Link, P.M. and Schilling, J., Theories and models of climate-security interaction: Framework and application to a climate hot spot in North Africa,
in: J. Scheffran, M. Brzoska, H.G. Brauch, P.M. Link & J. Schilling (eds.) (2012): Climate Change, Human Security and Violent Conflict, Berlin, Springer Verlag, Hexagon Series Vol. 8, pp. 91-132.
Brauch, H.G. and Scheffran, J., Introduction: Climate Change, Human Security, and Violent Conflict in the Anthropocene, in: J. Scheffran, M. Brzoska, H.G. Brauch, P.M. Link & J. Schilling (eds.) (2012): Climate Change, Human Security and Violent Conflict, Berlin, Springer Verlag, Hexagon Series Vol. 8, pp. 3-40.
Scheffran, J., Brzoska, M., Brauch, H.G., Link, P.M. and Schilling, J., Conclusions and Outlook: Research Results and Research Needs, in: J. Scheffran, M. Brzoska, H.G. Brauch, P.M. Link & J. Schilling (eds.) (2012): Climate Change, Human Security and Violent Conflict, Berlin, Springer Verlag, Hexagon Series Vol. 8, pp. 797-818.
Scheffran, J., Gopalaswamy, B., Gormley, D.M., Kubbig, B.W., Rubin, U. and Spitzer, H., The verification challenge: concepts, requirements, and technologies, in: B.W. Kubbig, S.-E. Fikenscher (eds.) (2012): Arms Control and Missile Proliferation in the Middle East, London & New York, Routeledge, pp. 149-166.
Senn, M., Altmann, J., Kubbig, B.W., Scheffran, J., Schmidt, H.-J. and Shulga, O., Caps and bans: limiting, reducing, and prohibiting missiles and missile defence, in: B.W. Kubbig, S.-E. Fikenscher (eds.) (2012): Arms Control and Missile Proliferation in the Middle East, London & New York, Routeledge, pp. 251-276.
Scheffran, J., „Da treffen zwei Welten aufeinander“, Interview, in: B. Dernbach (ed.) (2012): Vom Elfenbeinturm ins Rampenlicht – Prominente Wissenschaftler in populären Massenmedien, Wiesbaden, Spinger VS, pp. 217-236.
online information about the book
Scheffran, J., Globaler Klimawandel und Gewaltkonflikte: Befunde und Perspektiven der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, in: M. Brzoska, M.B. Kalinowski, V. Matthies, B. Meyer (eds.) (2011): Klimawandel und Konflikte, Baden Baden, Nomos Verlag, pp. 27-50.
Scheffran, J., Nuclear energy and climate change: limits and risks, in: R. Acheson (ed.) (2011): Costs, risks, and myths of nuclear power, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, pp. 37-39.
online information about the book
J. Scheffran, Between Sustainability and Development: Bioenergy, land use, food security and lifecycle analysis, in: E. Amann, W. Baer, D. Coes (eds.) (2011): Energy, Bio Fuels and Development - Comparing Brazil and the United States, Routeledge, New York, NY, pp. 203-220.
online information about the book
J. Scheffran, The Security Risks of Climate Change: Vulnerabilities, Threats, Conflicts and Strategies, in: H.G. Brauch, U.Oswald-Spring, P. Kameri-Mbote, C. Mesjasz, J. Grin, B. Chourou, P. Dunay, J. Birkmann (eds.) (2011): Coping with Global Environmental Change, Disasters and Security, Berlin, Springer Verlag, Hexagon Series Vol. 5, pp. 735-756.
online information about the book
J. Scheffran, Frieden und nachhaltige Entwicklung,
in: H.J. Giessmann & B. Rinke (eds.) (2011): Handbuch Frieden, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 310-323. online information about the book
M. Sieck and J. Scheffran, Der Beitrag des Abfallsektors zur Verringerung von Treibhausgasemissionen: EU und USA im Vergleich, in: B. Bilitewski, B. Zeschmar-Lahl & H. Schnurer (eds.) (2010): Müll-Handbuch: Sammlung und Transport, Behandlung und Ablagerung sowie Vermeidung und Verwertung von Abfällen, Vol. 4, November 2010 (KZ 9350), Berlin, Erich-Schmidt-Verlag, pp. 1-8.
J. Scheffran, Criteria for a Sustainable Bioenergy Infrastructure and Lifecycle, in: P.N. Mascia, J. Scheffran, J. Widholm (eds.) (2010): Plant Biotechnology for Sustainable Production of Energy and Co-products, Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 66, Springer Verlag, pp. 409-443.
J. Scheffran, Climate Conflicts and Food Security, in: J. Avery (ed.) (2010): Energy, Climate Change and Global Food Security, Proceedings of a symposium at the Ørsted Institute, University of Copenhagen, Dec. 4, 2009.
J. Scheffran, R. Acheson, and A. Lichterman, Missiles, missile defense, and space weapons, in: R. Acheson (ed.) (2010): Beyond arms control: challenges and choices for nuclear disarmament, New York, NY, pp. 113-124.
J. Loretz, J. Scheffran, A. Ware, and T. Wright, A nuclear weapons convention: framework for a nuclear weapon free world, in: R. Acheson (ed.) (2010): Beyond arms control: challenges and choices for nuclear disarmament, New York, NY, pp. 181-187.
J. Scheffran, Energiekonflikte, Klimawandel und nachhaltige Entwicklung, in: P. Imbusch, R. Zoll (eds.) (2010):Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. Eine Einführung, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 333-352.
S. Kang, H. Önal, Y. Ouyang, J. Scheffran, and D. Tursun, Optimizing the Biofuels Infrastructure: Transportation Networks and Biorefinery Locations in Illinois, in: M. Khanna, J. Scheffran, D. Zilberman (2009): Handbook of Bioenergy Economics and Policy, Springer.
J. Scheffran, The Global Demand for Biofuels: Technologies, Markets and Policies, in: A. Vertes, H.P. Blaschek, H. Yukawa, N. Qureshi (eds.) (2010): Biomass to Biofuels: Strategies for Global Industries, Wiley, pp. 27-54.
D. Tursun, S. Kang, H. Onal, Y. Ouyang, J. Scheffran, Optimum Biorefinery Locations and Transportation Network for the Future Biofuels Industry in Illinois, in: M. Khanna (ed.) (2008): Transition to a Bioeceonomy: Environmental and Rural Development Impacts, Proceed. USDA/Farm Foundation Conference, St. Louis, Oct. 15-16, 2008, Oak Brook.
K. Eisenack, M.K.B. Lüdeke, G. Petschel-Held, J. Scheffran, J.P. Kropp, Qualitative Modelling Techniques to Assess Patterns of Global Change, in: J. Kropp, J. Scheffran (eds.) (2007): Advanced Methods for Decision Making and Risk Management in Sustainability Science, Nova Science, New York, pp. 99-146.
J. Scheffran, Tools in Stakeholder Assessment and Interaction, in: S. Stoll-Kleemann, M. Welp (eds.) (2006):Stakeholder Dialogues in Natural Resources Management: Theory and Practice, Springer, pp. 153-185.
J. Scheffran, The Formation of Adaptive Coalitions, in: A. Haurie, S. Muto, L.A. Petrosjan, T.E.S. Raghavan (eds.) (2006): Advances in Dynamic Games, Birkhäuser, pp. 163-178.
J. Kropp, K. Eisenack, J. Scheffran, Marine Overexploitation: a Syndrome of Global Change, in: S. Sonak (ed.) (2006): Multiple dimensions of global environmental change, New Delhi: TERI, pp. 257-284.
J. Kropp, K. Eisenack, J. Scheffran, Sustainable Marine Resource Management, in: C. Pahl-Wostl, S. Schmidt, A.E. Rizzoli, A. Jakemann (eds.) (2004): Complexity and Integrated Resources Management, Transactions 2nd Biennial Meeting, Internat. Environmental Modelling & Software Society, Vol. I, Manno, pp. 104-109.
J. Scheffran, Calculated Security? Mathematical Modelling of Conflict and Cooperation, in: B. Booss-Bavnbek, J. Hoyrup (eds.) (2003): Mathematics and War, Birkhäuser, pp. 390-412.
J. Scheffran, Economic Growth, Emission Reduction and the Choice of Energy Technology in a Dynamic-Game Framework, in: P. Chamoni et. al. (2002): Operations Research Proceedings 2001, Berlin, Springer, pp. 329-336.
J. Scheffran, Stability and Optimal Control of a Multiplayer Dynamic Game, in: B. Fleischmann, et al. (eds.) (2001): Operations Research Proceedings 2000, Berlin, Springer, pp. 14-19.
W. Krabs, S. Pickl, J. Scheffran, An n-person game under linear side conditions, in: E.J. Dockner, R.F. Hartl, M. Luptacik, G. Sorger (eds.) (2000): Optimization, Dynamics and Economic Analysis, Springer/Physica, pp. 76-85.
J. Scheffran, Modelling sustainable use of natural resources, in: K. Inderfurth, G. Schwödiauer, W. Domschke, F. Juhnke, P. Kleinschmidt, G. Wäscher (eds.) (2000): Operations Research Proceedings 1999, Berlin, Springer, pp. 560-565.
Edited books and journals
BenDor TK, Scheffran J (2019): Agent-Based Modeling of Environmental Conflict and Cooperation. Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, 365 pp. Online
Brauch, G. H., Oswald Spring, Ú., Grin, J., & Scheffran, J. (2016): Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace. Berlin: Springer. online
Gioli, G., Lucarini, V., Scheffran, J., & Turner, A. (2015): Climate Change and Environmental Pressure: Adaptation and Resilience of Local Communities in the Hindu-Kush-Himalaya, Earth System Dynamics, 6(1), Special Issue. online
Scheffran, J. (coord. ed.) (2015): Technikkonflikte (Themenschwerpunkt). Wissenschaft und Frieden, 2. online
Scheffran, J. (coord. ed.) (2012):
Klimawandel und Sicherheit (Themenschwerpunkt)
Wissenschaft und Frieden, 3.
Santarius, T., Scheffran, J. & Tricarico, A. (2012):
North South Transitions to Green Economies - Makung Export Support, Technology Transfer, and Foreign Direct Investments Work for Climate Protection,
Heinrich Böll Foundation. online
Brzoska, M., Link, P.M., Maas, A. & Scheffran, J. (eds.) (2012):
Geoengineering: An Issue for Peace and Security Studies?,
Sicherheit & Frieden / Security & Peace, Special Issue, 30 (4/2012). online
J. Scheffran, M. Broszka, H.G. Brauch, P.M. Link & J. Schilling (eds.) (2012):
Climate Change, Human Security and Violent Conflict: Challenges for Societal Stability,
Berlin, Springer Verlag, Hexagon Series Vol. 8.
Vasquez, J.A., Diehl, P.F., Flint, C. & Scheffran, J. (eds.) (2011):
Forum on the Spread of War, 1914-1917: A Dialogue between Political Scientists and Historians,
Foreign Policy Analysis (Special Issue), 7, pp.139-141. online
H. Blaschek, T., Ezeji & J. Scheffran (eds.) (2010):
Biofuels from Agricultural Wastes and Byproducts,
Wiley/Blackwell, 276 pp. online information
P.N. Mascia, J., Scheffran & J. Widholm (eds.) (2010):
Plant Biotechnology for Sustainable Production of Energy and Co-Products,
Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 66, Springer Verlag, 458 pp. online information
M. Khanna, J. Scheffran & D. Zilberman (eds.) (2010):
Handbook of Bioenergy Economics and Policy,
Berlin, Springer Verlag, 439 pp. online information
J. Scheffran, G. Summerfield (eds.) (2009):
Sustainable Biofuels and Human Security,
Swords & Ploughshares, Vol. XVII (2), Summer 2009.
J. Scheffran (ed.) (2008):
Security and Complexity,
Special Issue of the Journal Complexity, 14 (1).
R. Hagen, J. Scheffran (eds.) (2008):
World at the Crossroads,
INESAP Information Bulletin, No. 28, April 2008.
J. Kropp, J. Scheffran (eds.) (2007):
Advanced Methods for Decision Making and Risk Management in Sustainability Science,
New York, NY, Nova Science.
M. Datan, F. Hill, J. Scheffran, A. Ware, M. Kalinowski, V. Sidel (eds.) (2007):
Securing Our Survival – The Case for a Nuclear Weapons Convention,
Cambridge, MA.
F. Billari, T. Fent, A. Prskawetz, J. Scheffran (eds.) (2006):
Agent Based Computational Modelling in Demography, Economic and Environmental Sciences,
B. Johnke, J. Scheffran, K. Soyez (eds.) (2004):
Abfall, Energie und Klima – Wege und Konzepte für eine integrierte Ressourcenutzung,
Berlin, Erich-Schmidt-Verlag.
K. Ott, G. Klepper, S. Lingner, A. Schäfer, J. Scheffran, D. Sprinz (eds.) (2004):
Reasoning Goals of Climate Protection - Specification of Art.2 UNFCCC,
Gutachten, Umweltbundesamt, Berlin (in German: Europäische Akademie 2004).
M. Hummel, J. Scheffran, H.R. Simon (eds.) (2002):
Konfliktfeld Biodiversitat,
Münster: agenda-Verlag.
W. Bender, R. Hagen, M. Kalinowski, J. Scheffran (eds.) (2001):
Space Use and Ethics,
Münster, agenda-Verlag.
R. Zoll (ed.) in Zusammenarbeit mit H. Ackermann, O. Melsheimer, J. Scheffran (2001):
Energiekonflikte-Problemübersicht and empirische Analysen zur Akzeptanz von Windkraftanlagen,
Münster, LIT-Verlag.
M. Datan, A. Ware, M. Kalinowski, J. Scheffran, V. Sidel, J. Burroughs (eds.) (1999):
Security and Survival. The Case for a Nuclear Weapons Convention,
Cambridge, German edition 2000.
G. Neuneck, J. Altmann, J. Scheffran (eds.) (1998):
Naturwissenschaftliche Beitrage zu Abrüstung and Verifikation II,
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
J. Scheffran, W. Vogt (eds.) (1998):
Kampf um die Natur - Umweltzerstörung and die Lösung ökologischer Konflikte,
Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Primus.
W. Liebert, J. Scheffran (eds.) (1995):
Against Proliferation - Towards General Disarmament, Proceedings of the First INESAP Conference,
Münster, agenda-Verlag.
W. Liebert, R. Rilling, J. Scheffran (eds.) (1994):
Die Janusköpfigkeit von Forschung and Technik,
Marburg, BdWi-Verlag.
Working papers
Link, P.M., Scheffran, J. & Ide, T. (2016):
Conflict and cooperation in the water-security nexus: a global comparative analysis of river basins under climate change,
submitted to WIREs Water.
Working paper CLISEC-31 download
Yang, L., Scheffran, J., Qin, H. & You, Q. (2014):
Climate-related Flood Risks and Urban Responses in the Pearl River Delta, China,
Working paper CLISEC-27 download
Ide, T. & Scheffran, J. (2013):
Climate Change: Source of Conflict or Promoter of Cooperation?,
Working paper CLISEC-26 download
Link, P.M., Kominek, J. & Scheffran, J. (2012):
Impacts of sea level rise on the coastal zones of Egypt,
submitted to Mainzer Geographische Studien.
Working paper CLISEC-25 download
Ngaruiya, G.W. & Scheffran, J. (2012):
Reducing climate adaptation deficits using revolving fund network schemes in rural areas of Kenya: Case study of Loitoktok district (revised version),
Working paper CLISEC-23 download
Link, P.M., Brzoska, M., Maas, A., Neuneck, G. & Scheffran, J. (2012):
Report on the conference "Geoengineering the Climate: An Issue for Peace and Security Studies?,
Working paper CLISEC-20 download
Link, P.M., Piontek, F., Scheffran, J. & Schilling, J. (2012):
On foes and flows: vulnerabilities, adaptive capacities and transboundary relations in the Nile River Basin in times of climate change,
submitted to L'Europe en formation.
Working paper CLISEC-19 download
Scheffran, J., Brzoska, M., Kominek, J., Link, P.M. & Schilling, J. (2012):
Past and future research on climate change and violent conflict,
submitted to Review of European Studies,
Working paper CLISEC-18 download
Marmer, E., Scheffran, J. & Sow, P. (2011):
From security threat to conflict prevention: Integrating migration into climate adaptation policy frameworks in Africa,
Working paper CLISEC-17 download
Scheffran, J., Marmer, E. & Sow, P. (2011):
Migration as a resource for resilience and innovation in climate adaptation: Social networks and co-development in Northwest Africa,
Working paper CLISEC-16 download
Schilling, J., Akuno, M., Scheffran, J. & Weinzierl (2011):
On arms and adaptation: Climate change and pastoral conflict in Northern Kenya,
Working paper CLISEC-15 download
Schilling, J., Freier, K., Hertig, E. & Scheffran, J. (2011):
Climate change, vulnerability and adaptation in North Africa with focus on Morocco,
Working paper CLISEC-13 download
Kominek, J. & Scheffran, J. (2011):
Cascading Processes and Path Dependency in Social Networks,
Working paper CLISEC-12 download
Link, P.M., Piontek, F., Scheffran, J. & Schilling, J. (2010):
Impact of climate change on water conflict and cooperation in the Nile River Basin,
Working paper CLISEC-9 download
Link, P.M., Piontek, F., Scheffran, J. & Schilling, J. (2010):
Integrated Assessment of Climate Security Hot Spots in the Mediterranean Region: Potential Water Conflicts in the Nile River Basin,
Paper presented at the Conference "Climate Change and Security", Trondheim, Norway, 21-24 June, 2010.
Working paper CLISEC-6 download
Scheffran, J., Link, P.M. & Schilling, J. (2009):
Theories and Models of the Climate Security Link,
Paper presented at the Conference "Climate Change, Social Stress and Violent Conflict", Hamburg, Germany, 19-20 November, 2009.
Working paper CLISEC-3 download
Scheffran, J. (2009):
Climate change, Human Security and Societal Instability: Conflict or Cooperation?,
Paper presented at the Synthesis Conference of the Global Environmental Change and Security program, Oslo, 22-24 June, 2009.
Working paper CLISEC-1 available from the author upon personal request by eMail
Conference papers
Scheffran, J. (2018): Beyond Richardson: Modeling conflict in a world of complexity and climate change. Paper presented at the panel on Lewis F Richardson, International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention, April 4-7, 2018, San Francisco.
Spangenberg J, Scheffran J (2018): The Environmental Justice Atlas – Reason to Act. 24th Annual Conference of International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS), Messina, Italy; 06/2018.
Bukari KN, Sow P, Scheffran J (2016): Role of Chiefs in Managing and Resolving Resource Conflicts Between Farmers and Pastoralists in Ghana. Tropentag 2016, Vienna, Austria; 09/2016.
Abid M, Gioli G, Scheffran J (2016): Internal migration and changing environmental conditions: A farmers’ perspective from rural Pakistan. 33rd International Geographical Congress, Beijing, China; 08/2016.
Abid M, Scheffran J (2016): Climate change adaptation to sustain local food security in Pakistan. Cambridge Conference on Global Food Security, University of Cambridge, UK; 06/2016
Baehr J, Behrens J, Brüggemann M, Frisius T, Glessmer MS, Hartmann J, Hense I, Kaleschke L, Kutzbach L, Röter S, Scheffran J (2016): Teaching Scales in the Climate System: An example of interdisciplinary teaching and learning. EGU General Assembly 2016; Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vienna; 04/2016.
Scheffran J (2016): From complex crises to sustainable peace: Viability transformation and adaptive governance. ISA 2016 Presentation. International Studies Association, 57th Annual Convention, March 16 - 19, 2016, Atlanta; 03/2016.
Scheffran J, Cox A, Ruben R, Chin A, Rekacewicz P (2015): Food Security on the Brink? Report of Working Group 9. Planetary Security Conference, The Hague, 2-3 Nov. 2015. Planetary Security: Peace and Cooperation in Times of Climate Change and Global Environmental Challenges, Peace Palace, The Hague, Netherlands; 11/20
Scheffran, J. (2015): Climate Change as a Risk Multiplier in a World of Complex Crises. Paper presented at the Planetary Security Conference, The Hague, Netherlands, November 2-3, 2015. download
Scheffran, J. (2011): Security Risks of Climate Change, Energy Paths, and Climate Engineering: From Conflict to Cooperation, Commissioned paper for the 59th Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, Berlin, Germany, July 01-04, 2011.
Scheffran, J. (2011): Conflicts and Instabilities in Climate-Society Interaction, International Studies Association Convention, Montreal, Canada, March 16, 2011.
Piontek, F., Link, P.M. & Scheffran, J. (2010): Impacts of Climate Change on the Nile River Conflict: The Case of Egypt, DGAP-JREDS Conference "The Impact of Climate Change on the Middle East - Converging and Diverging Perceptions on Development and Human Security", Amman, Jordania, November 25-28, 2010. download
Scheffran, J. (2010): Climate Change and Stability: The case of the Mediterranean Region, IFAC International Workshop on Supplemental Ways for Improving International Stability (SWIIS 2010), Prishtina, Kosovo.
Klawitter, J., Schilling, J. & Scheffran, J. (2010): Moving the Desertec Concept Towards Sustainability, DGAP-JREDS Conference "The Impact of Climate Change on the Middle East - Converging and Diverging Perceptions on Development and Human Security", Amman, Jordania, November 25-28, 2010. download
Scheffran, J. (2010): The Nuclear Weapons Convention as a Process, Atlanta Consultation III, Middle Powers Initiative, Atlanta, Jan. 20-22, 2010. online (a shorter version appeared in: Global Responsibility, 61, 3-4)
Scheffran, J. (2010): Assessing and Preventing Climate Conflicts and Security Risks, Workshop "Peace and Security in the Anthropocene", Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, New Orleans, USA, February 17, 2010. online
Meyer, I. & Scheffran, J. (2009): Passenger car use and climate change: Quantifying the impacts of technological innovations for substantial CO2emission reductions, 7th International Conference on Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, Bonn, April 26-30, 2009.
WIFO Working paper 351 online
Garschagen, M., Scheffran, J. & Link, P.M. (2016): Future Vulnerability and Adaptation Pathways in Integrated Rural-Urban Systems affected by Sea Level Rise in Southeast Asia - VARIUS-SEA, DFG SPP 1889 "Regional Sea Level Change and Society", Hamburg, Germany, March 02, 2016.
Scheffran, J., Link, P.M., Link, J.S.A. & Borchert, L. (2015): Risks and Conflicts of Climate Change and Climate Engineering - Governing Pathways and Path Dependencies, Climate Engineering Research Symposium 2015, Berlin, Germany, July 07-10, 2015. download
Link, P.M., Kominek, J. & Scheffran, J. (2013): Impacts of accelerated sea level rise on the coastal zones of Egypt, Conference "Climate Change and Security at the Crossroads - Pathways to Conflict or Cooperation?", Kristiansand, Norway, June 20-21, 2013. download
Link, P.M., Piontek, F., Scheffran, J. & Schilling, J. (2013): Vulnerabilities, adaptive capacities and transboundary relations in the Nile River Basin in times of climate change, Conference "Climate Change and Security at the Crossroads - Pathways to Conflict or Cooperation?", Kristiansand, Norway, June 20-21, 2013. download
Scheffran, J., Kominek, J., Cannaday, T. & Link, P.M. (2013): Climate Engineering: Potential Pathways, Consequences and Risks, Conference "Climate Change and Security at the Crossroads - Pathways to Conflict or Cooperation?", Kristiansand, Norway, June 20-21, 2013. download
Link, P.M., Kominek, J. & Scheffran, J. (2013): Auswirkungen eines beschleunigten Meeresspiegelanstiegs auf die Küstenregionen Ägyptens, Symposium "Küstenforschung, Küstennutzung und Küstenschutz", Hamburg, Germany, March 04-06, 2013. download
Scheffran, J. (2012):
Potential Pathways, Consequences and Risks of Climate Engineering,
IMPLICC Final Symposium: The Atmospheric Science and Economics of Climate Engineering via Aerosol Injections,
Mainz, Germany, May 14-16, 2012. download
Lüthje, C., Scheffran, J. & Schäfer, M. (2011):
Limits of the Anthropocene: What are the challenges and boundaries of science for the post-normal age?,
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 03-08, 2011. online
Other publications
Scheffran J (2019): Verbrannte Erde: Militär als Verursacher von Umweltschäden und Klimawandel. Friedensforum 01/2019: 32-44.
Scheffran, J. (2018): Klima der Extreme: Die Risiken des Geo-Engineering. Blätter für Deutsche und Internationale Politik, 12, 69-77.
Scheffran J (2018): Die Grenzen des Westens (Editorial). Wissenschaft & Frieden 2/18: 2.
Scheffran J (2017): ICAN Ban Nuclear Weapons. ACDIS Commentary, November 2017.
Scheffran J (2017): Zwei Welten: G20-Gipfel, Atomwaffenverbot und globale Machtverschiebungen. VDW Blog, July 7, 2017.
Scheffran J (2017): Complex Crisis Landscapes and Climate Risk Governance: Challenges for European Stability and Transformation. Policy Insights, EUC Paper Series, Special Issue - Governing Globalization.
Scheffran, J. (2016): Stadt - Land - Krieg - Unsicherheit in Urbanen Gewalträumen, Wissenschaft und Frieden, 2, 6-10. online
Brücher T, Brzoska M, Claussen M, Cook KH, Link PM, Link J, Mbow C, Scheffran J (eds.) (2016): Climate, land use, and conflict in Africa, Special Issue, Earth System Dynamics 7(2).
Gioli G, Hugo G, Manez M, Scheffran J (eds.) (2016): Climate change and migration, Special Issue, Migration and Development 5(2).
Scheffran, J. (2016): Kettenreaktion außer Kontrolle: Vernetzte Technik und das Klima der Komplexität, Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, 3(2016), 101-110.
Klepper, G., Dovern, J., Rickels, W., Barben, D., Goeschl, T., Harnisch, S., Heyen, D., Janich, N., Maas, A., Matzner, N., Scheffran, J., & Uther, S. (2016): Herausforderung Climate Engineering - Bewertung neuer Optionen Für den Klimaschutz. Kiel: Institut für Weltwirtschaft. download
Scheffran, J., Burroughs, J., Leidreiter, A., van Riet, R., & Ware, A. (2015): The Climate-Nuclear Nexus. London: World Future Council. download
Scheffran J (2015): Vom vernetzten Krieg zum vernetzten Frieden: Die Rolle von Wissenschaft und Technik. FIFF-Kommunikation 3/2015.
Scheffran J (2014): Water, land use and environmental conflicts in East Africa. The Wondo Genet College Arboretum Project, Wondo Genet, Ethiopia; 02/2014.
Scheffran, J. (2013): Geopolitik und Grenzüberschreitung (Editorial), Wissenschaft und Frieden, 1/2013, p. 2.
Scheffran, J. (2012): Climate Change, Nuclear Risks and Nuclear Disarmament, Global Responsibility, 63 (April), pp. 10-13. online
Maas, A., Brzoska, M., Link, P.M., Neuneck, G. & Scheffran, J. (2012): Direkte Eingriffe ins Klima – Eine friedenspolitische Herausforderung? Wissenschaft und Frieden, 1/2012, pp 44-45. online
Scheffran, J. (2011): Security Risks of Climate Change: from Conflict to Cooperation, Blickpunkt Zukunft, 55 (August). online
Barben, D., Dovern, J., Goeschl, T., Harnisch, S., Heyen, D., Janich, N., Klepper, G., Maas, A., Matzner, N., Reichwein, D., Rickels, W., Proelß, A., Scheffran, J. & Uther, S. (2011): Regulierung, Bewertung und öffentlicher Diskurs von Climate-Engineering-Eingriffen, Gutachten für das Büro für Technikfolgenabschätzung, Germany.
Comardicea, I., Taenzler, D. & Scheffran, J. (2011): Climate Change in South Asia: Conflict or Cooperation over the Himalaya, Climate Security Dialogue Brief, Berlin/Hamburg, Germany, adelphi/CLISEC. download
Piontek, F., Platau-Wagner, J., Schütz, A. & Scheffran, J. (2011): Desert Power for the People – Sustainable Development by DESERTEC? Wissenschaft und Frieden, 04/2011. online
Máñez Costa, M. & Scheffran, J. (2011): Die Flucht vor dem Klimawandel. online
Adriazola, P., Maas, A. & Scheffran, J. (2011): Climate Change in Latin America, Climate Security Dialogue Brief, Berlin/Hamburg, Germany, adelphi/CLISEC. download
Maas, A. & Scheffran, J. (2011): Climate Change in Central Asia, Climate Security Dialogue Brief, Berlin/Hamburg, Germany, adelphi/CLISEC. download
Fritzsche, K. & Scheffran, J. (2011): Climate Change in the Southern Mediterranean, Climate Security Dialogue Brief, Berlin/Hamburg, Germany, adelphi/CLISEC. download
Scheffran, J. (2011): Konkurrenz um Wasser und Land - an interview with Jürgen Scheffran, Klima im Fokus, June 2011, pp. 28-31. online
Scheffran, J. (2011): Climate Change, Nuclear Risks and Nuclear Disarmament - from Security Threats to Sustainable Peace, Report for the World Future Council, May 2011. online
Scheffran, J. (2010): Gesellschaften im Klimastress: Konflikt oder Kooperation? KlimaCampus Hamburg (ed.), Der Ozean ist kein Wasserglas - zehn Klimaforscher berichten, pp. 30-37. online
Schilling, J., Link, P.M. & Scheffran, J. (2010b): Report on the international conference "Climate Change, Social Stress and Violent Conflict" FONAS Newsletter, 10 (10), pp. 17-18. download
Schilling, J., Link, P.M. & Scheffran, J. (2010a): Climate Change, Social Stress and Violent Conflict, Wissenschaft & Frieden, 1-2010. online
Supervision of theses
Ph.D. theses
Completed (first advisor)
Ellinor von der Forst (2018): Climate Change Vulnerability of Socio-Ecological Systems in Coastal Areas of River Basins in Mexico and South Africa – from Assessment to Management. Ph.D. Thesis, Institute of Geography, University of Hamburg. online
Christin Meyer (2017): Climate Change Impacts and Risk Management: Improving farm resilience through adaptation in the cropping-livestock zone of the Corangamite catchment in Victoria (Australia) with a Case Study of the ´Mount Hesse´ farm. Ph.D. Thesis, Institute of Geography, University of Hamburg. online (PDF)
Mostafa Shaaban (2017): The Roadmap to Energy Security in Egypt. Ph.D. Thesis, Institute of Geography, University of Hamburg. online (PDF)
Sarah Nash (2017): From Cancun to Paris: an Era of Policymaking on the Migration and Climate Change Nexus. Ph.D. Thesis, Institute of Geography, University of Hamburg.
Prosper Evadzi (2017): Regional Sea-Level at the Retreating Coast of Ghana Under a Changing Climate. Ph.D. Thesis, Institute of Geography, University of Hamburg. online (PDF)
Muhammad Abid (2017): Climate change Impacts and Adaptation in the Agriculture Sector of Pakistan - Socioeconomic and Geographical Dimensions. Ph.D. Thesis, Institute of Geography, University of Hamburg. online (PDF)
Tobias Ide (2015): Towards Methodological Pluralism: an Empirical Evaluation of Research Methods for Assessing the Link between Climate Change and Violent Conflict, Institute of Geography, University of Hamburg online
Kesheng Shu (2015): Sustainable Bioenergy Use and Climate Change in China - A Spatial Agent Model for the Case of Jiangsu Province, Institute of Geography, University of Hamburg
Liang Yang (2014): Climate Change, Water Risks and Urban Responses in the Pearl River Delta, China, Institute of Geography, University of Hamburg online
Grace Wambui Ngaruiya, G.W. (2014): Climate governance, rural livelihoods and social networks: Using the ecosystem service governance approach to analyse climate adaptation and resource conflict resolution in Kenya, Institute of Geography, University of Hamburg online
Schilling, J. (2012): On Rain, Raids and Relations: A Multimethod Approach to Climate Change, Vulnerability, Adaptation and Violent Conflict in Northern Africa and Kenya, Institute of Geography, University of Hamburg download
Completed (second advisor)
Adrien Detges (2018) Drought, Infrastructure and Conflict Risk in Sub-Saharan Africa. Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Freie Universität Berlin.
Roger Cremades Rodeja (2016) Assessment of policy and climate variability impacts on food, water and energy in the Asian monsoon region under diverse adaptation scenarios.
Kaderi Noagah Bukari (2016) Farmer-Herder Relations in Ghana: Interplay of Environmental Change, Conflict, Cooperation and Social Networks. Sozialwissenschaften, Universität Göttingen.
Diana Süsser (2016) People-Powered Local Energy Transition: Mitigating Climate Change with Commuity-Based Renewable Enegy in North Frisia. Institute of Geography, University of Hamburg.
Andreas Bernath (2015) Klimakatastrophen, Vertreibung und Gewalt: eine makro-qualitative Untersuchung sowie eine Einzelfallstudie über den Zusammenhang von umweltbedingten Bevölkerungsbewegungen und gewaltsamen Konflikten. WiSo Fakultät, Universität Hamburg.
Vera Tekken (2013): Socio-economic vulnerability to climate change: a regional assessment in the context of water stress and tourism development in north-eastern Morocco, Institute of Geography, University of Greifswald
Cilli Sobiech (2012): Agent-based Simulation of Vulnerability Dynamics: A Case Study of the German North Sea Coast, Springer, Berlin
M.Sc., B.Sc. and Diploma theses
Completed (first supervisor)
Daniel Heinemann (2018): Water supply, drought risk, and adaptation to changing conditions in central California. Master of Science, Geographie.
Johanna Remus (2018): Ökosystembasierte Anpassung an den Klimawandel. Master of Science, Geographie.
Yechennan Peng (2018): Carbon effects of the rural livelihood changes in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, China. Master of Science, ICSS.
Miriam Stefanie Felkers (2018): Konfliktpotenziale und nachhaltige Konfliktbewältigung beim Ausbau der Windenergie. Master of Science, Geographie.
Sven Rühe (2018): Simulating human exposure to environmental stressors in Hamburg: An agent-based model. Master of Science, ICSS.
Malin Frank (2017): Motivating Factors and Barriers for the Social Acceptance of Slow Fashion in Germany: Steps Towards a Sustainable Fashion Industry. Master of Science, ICSS
David Williams (2017): Socio-ecological systems in the context of climate change: a case study of Quarry Road West informal settlement, South Africa. Master of Science, Geographie.
Katharina Heider (2017): Peri-Urbanization in the Conservation Area of Mexico City
GIS-based Analysis Using Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and Remote Sensing (RS). Master of Science, Geographie.
Helge Martin (2017): Der Disaster-Conflict Nexus - Wechselwirkungen zwischen Naturkatastrophen und Gewaltkonflikten als Herausforderung für die Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Master of Science, Universität Bonn.
Jinxi Yang (2016): Agent-based Modeling of Pathways of Energy Landscapes in Northern Germany. Master of Science, ICSS.
Diana Süsser (2016): The role of private households in the EU climate change mitigation policy: Drivers and barriers of energy-related investment and consumption decisions. Master of Science, ICSS.
Wanja Möller (2016): Landschaftsbildbewertung – Argumentationsmuster und Relevanz in landschaftsplanerischen Methoden und Diskursen. Master of Science, Geographie.
Rebecca Froese (2016): Climate Proofing in Development Cooperation: Towards the Development of a Conceptual Framework. Master of Science, ICSS.
John Elflein (2015): Potential impacts to Spain as a consequence of climate change-induced migration from Morocco. Master of Peace and Security Studies.
Tracey Cheung (2015): Energy Transition in Hamburg and Hong Kong. Master of Science, ICSS.
Dorothea Künzig (2014): Gender und Ressourcen in Ruanda: Konfliktpotenzial oder fortschrittliche Wege? Geschlechtergerechtigkeit und Ressourcenmanagement in einem Post-Konflikt-Land. Master of Peace and Security Studies.
Mario Petri (2014): Klimawandel und Ressourcenverknappung-Sicherheitspolitische Problemstellungen und Handlungsoptionen durch klimawandelbedingte Verknappung natürlicher Ressourcen. Master of Science, Master of Arts, Fernuni Hagen.
Marvin Secker (2014): Investing Corporate Sustainability in Large-Scale Hamburg Corporations. Master of Science, ICSS.
Md. Obaidullah Al Kabir (2014): Vulnerability, Risk and Climate Adaptation in the Coastal Area of Bangladesh. Master of Science, ICSS.
Chrystalla Leontiou (2013): Assessment of Enhanced Weathering. Master of Science, ICSS.
Elpiniki Lamproglou (2013): The European Union Renewable Energy Policy: between Climate Change and Energy Security. Master of Arts, European Studies.
Elpiniki Lamproglou: The European Union Renewable Energy Policy: between Climate Change and Energy Security (MSc), August 2013
Diana Süsser: The role of private households in the EU climate change mitigation policy: Drivers and barriers of energy-related investment and consumption decisions (MSc), January 2013
Jean Patric Salize: Umweltschutzorganisationen als Akteure in der Friedenspolitik: Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung von Greenpeace vor dem Hintergrund des Zusammenrückens von Umweltschutz und Sicherheit (MSc), February 2012
Björn Linnemann: Rural electrification, path dependence and energy alternatives for sustainable development in Vietnam (MSc), October 2011
Elise Remling: Stakeholder Perspectives on Livelihoods, Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in Kenya (MSc), October 2011
Sarah von Kaminietz: An Effectiveness Analysis of Unilateral Climate Policies as a System Dynamic Study of Carbon Leakage on the Example of the Aluminium Industry (Diploma, co-advisor), April 2011
Jana Platau-Wagner: Concentrated Solar Power as a chance for development? (MSc, Faculty of Geosciences, University Utrecht), 2011
Christopher Stark: Möglichkeiten der ökologisch und ökonomisch sinnvollen Abgrenzung und Ausgestaltung einer „Regenerativ-Sonderzone“ zur ausschließlichen Erzeugung erneuerbarer Energie in strukturschwachen Gebieten Ostdeutschlands (Diploma, co-advisor), February 2011
Stu Campana: Climate Change and the Mediterranean: Reframing the Security Threat Posed by Environmental Migration (Faculteit der Aard- en Levenswetenschappen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), 2010
Hermann von Brevern: Modeling of CO2 Emissions and Uranium Resources (Diploma), November 2010
Jens Klawitter: Towards a Sustainability Framework for the Desertec Concept (MSc, Faculty of Forest & Environment, co-advisor), October 2010
Franziska Piontek: The Impact of Climate Change on Conflict and Cooperation in the Nile Basin (MSc), September 2010
Nadine Petri: Zur Versicherheitlichung des Klimawandels - Theorie, Argumentationsstrukturen, politische Umsetzung (MSc), September 2010.