Winter 2010-11
Übung 63-088:
GEO-MET II: Methoden empirischer Regionalforschung
block class
ZMAW Building, Room 024; Geomatikum, Room 742
(Peter Michael Link, Janpeter Schilling)
start: February 07, 2011
Lecture 63-190:
Climate and Society: Climate Security, Natural Resources and Conflict Geography
Tuesday, 10:15-12:30
ZMAW Buildung, Room 022
(Jürgen Scheffran, Peter Michael Link)
start: October 19, 2010
Seminar 63-191:
GEO-INT: Integrative Geography B:
Theories and Discourse of Human-Environment Interaction
Tuesday, 14:15-15:45
Geomatikum, Room 838
(Jürgen Oßenbrügge, Jürgen Scheffran)
start: October 19, 2010